Sentences with phrase «try different challenges»

As I play with her I try different challenges throughout the game so I make her jump higher or I make her jump over obstacles and land in one exact spot.

Not exact matches

The challenge becomes how are you any different than the problem that your next - door neighbor in the expo hall is trying to solve?
Often, making that first 1 million dollars is the most challenging since it requires being different than everyone else that is trying.
Successful people challenge themselves by trying new things, exposing themselves to different cultures and ideas, and surrounding themselves with people who think differently.
That last step is the most important, but also one of the most challenging because «when you try to sample a large population of people who you already know have a certain disease, like cancer, it's really difficult to pinpoint all the different biomarkers that will make you fairly sure of the person's illness is detected regardless of environmental conditions,» he says.
For some people challenging themselves is simply taking a different route to work or trying a different type of food.
I met someone who was having challenges with his business and who had expended a lot of effort trying to solve a problem with many different solutions and products, including employing different contractors to try different approaches.
Tom Travers and Sophie Frost, the co-founders of Yucoco, have a different challenge as they try to build their brand in the confectionery market.
As a consequence, managing customer expectations poses different challenges for today's tech entrepreneurs, especially those who are trying to scale.
The success rates of massive scale technology mergers are extraordinarily low because of the complexity of the integration, the culture matching of completely different institutions, the leadership challenges of trying to bring together different leadership teams.
Social CRM is growing out of a completely different need — the need to attract the attention of those using the Internet to find answers to business challenges they are trying to overcome.
The company has long struggled to overcome two big challenges: the industrywide drop in display advertising that has traditionally been its primary revenue source and the distraction inherent in trying to excel at many different things, from news and fantasy sports to web searches and email.
Our challenge is to reach Financial Independence by 2020 and she can quit her job or try a different career.
I think one of the great contributions of the Bible is that it challenges the mind — with stories, parables, examples, and instruction — to try different mental filters.
In their different ways, the three volumes under review try to rise to that challenge, in ascending order of difficulty.
Faced thus with the real and supposed onslaughts on its monopolistic dominance, and haying tried different forms of meeting the challenge, such as reform and revivalism, the Brahmmic ideology finally settled upon an adequate strategy by reincarnating itself as pan-Indian political - national Hinduism.
The challenge is that the wounded person normally hides conflicting testimony, refuses to try to understand different perspectives, finds it natural to»cause pain» by denouncing and insulting.
«There's a sense that the vocation of the scientist is diminished in these challenges to where it's just, «Keep repeating what we've already said about the speed of light and don't question it, don't critique it, don't try to help us make physics go in a different, perhaps more adequate, direction».»
I just found your blog from Joan's link on «Old Dog New Tricks» Dark Days Challenge report — and am so glad I did I'm a localvore in CT, so the things we can get are different than you many a time, but your dishes look so good, I'm eager to read more and try what I can.
I've been trying my hand at writing different types of fiction and I'm loving the new challenge and the creative freedom this has given me.
For your next pizza night, I challenge you to try something completely different!
Each chocolate had a different layer and that was challenging enough for me to want to give a try.
This year I've challenged myself to try different things in the kitchen, whether that be new recipes or new ingredients, I want to try and get out of my comfort zone a bit.
When I was challenged to come up with a delicious family - friendly recipe using pork medallions I was keen to take up the challenge to try something a bit different.
Just two races ago, it was the other way around - Kimi on the normal strategy, challenging for the win, and Vettel staying out long, trying something different.
i'm thinking of something a little different this year, but along the priciples of the challenge... i'm going to try to make my own crackers, granola bars, and graham crackers over these next two months.
Try The A-MAZE-ing Quest, which includes four different levels of challenges, complete with clue - giving audioboxes, that direct you through the maze.
-- a book that shares the challenges of feeling different and trying to fit in.
«We still have pets, a garden, we do makes and bakes and we award badges — although there are eight different badges now that challenge the audience to try new things,» says Helen.
You could certainly try this with different types of leaves to make it a bit more challenging.
Halfway through, challenge your little one to try different methods of getting home — skipping, jumping, or hopping on one foot for example.
We also realized the challenge that school food officials were facing by trying to accommodate all of the different combinations of food allergies into their daily menus.
The side - lying position may be the most comfortable, and if challenged, your older child will find a way to reach your breast as long as you allow him freedom to explore and try different positions!
We understand that it can be very challenging to get a breastfed baby to try a bottle and there are many different issues that you may encounter along the way.
If we choose to reduce our arsenal to what is viewed by many as a credible deterrent, maybe 300, 400 weapons, which is vastly fewer than 10,000, but would still inflict, you know, horrific damage to anybody foolish enough to challenge us on that front, well then we'll be living in a slightly different world; or we could, as George Shultz, et al argued, «Try to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons in their entirety and put this destructive genie back in the bottle.»
The observation of many different speeds of fault slip poses a real challenge to theorists trying to explain the faulting process with fundamental physical laws, for example.
It's quite easy to sell a one - off special because the customer gives a wish list of what he wants, whereas trying to persuade people that a standard product is a better option in terms of reliability and ease of manufacture has some different challenges
Our age is different because evidence and observation are pouring in at unprecedented speed, challenging the theorists to try to keep up.
«It's really a challenge to food product developers first to try to work out what flavour compounds are important in full - fat foods, and then to see what's different in their reduced - fat counterparts,» says Roberts.
«It's a monumentally complicated challenge to try to discover things in your DNA that affect the brain because the two types of data are very different and there are so many things that can affect your brain, such as diet, education, and physical activity.
«If you're having thoughts like «But I'm better than them,» or «I deserve this more,» try to challenge yourself to think about things in a different way,» Exline says.
Athletes will often try different types of challenging training programs with no regard as to how and why muscle grows.
If you've never tried that type of workout, you're likely putting to work different muscles, and your body will need to adjust to the challenge.
There are numerous things you can try, like changing the order of exercises, using a different weight, decrease rest intervals, increasing the number of sets, all variations which will shock your muscles and cause your muscles to re-adapt to the challenge.
So if your back muscles are lagging, trying different grip styles can help you significantly speed up your progress by increasing the challenge and targeting different muscles.
Once you become familiar with this exercise, try different variations to make it more challenging.
Every day filled with challenges as you rush in different directions trying to meet obligations to work, family, and friends.
There are a lot of different Manuka honey brands on the market and trying to find the best one can be a challenge, to say the least.
To make my own batch I had to try a few different times since, as some of you may or may not know, protein powder is challenging to work with.
If you want a different stability challenge and more range of motion, you can try this glute exercise with your heel on a stability ball.
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