Sentences with phrase «try embracing it»

Try embracing Sourcewatch as a jump off point for potentially interesting people's websites and blogs....
If you're looking for an authentic spring style, try embracing the Terracotta Rust trend!
Instead of treating skincare as a chore or an indulgence, try embracing it for 6 days and enjoy the act of caring for your skin, and thus yourself.
Instead of treating skincare as a chore or an indulgence, try embracing it for six days and enjoy the act of caring for your skin, and thus yourself.
Instead of eliminating carbohydrates in order to lose fat, try embracing them in your daily nutritional plans.
When you see someone you disagree with try embracing that person.
Have you tried embracing intuitive eating, only to feel as if giving yourself permission around food makes you lose control?
The weather seems to jump straight from winter to summer, so I'm trying the embrace the cooler weather while it lasts!

Not exact matches

I really try to embrace that and gear my videos to younger women who I would impart this advice to — or impart this advice to a younger self.»
«I think frankly, employers should try to embrace the idea behind this, especially if the company has any pretense of being a feminist organization or treating women's rights as a priority, whether it's in their corporate culture or their customer relations.
Not all small businesses have much experience or many accolades to speak of; however, rather than try to obscure that fact, embrace it.
Rather than embrace the attributes that people liked about them, they tried to copy attributes and designs that people liked about their competitors» products.
Often companies panic when their product is used in unintended ways, and then spend an untold amount of time and money trying to get the «right» people to embrace it.
A former Yahoo CEO says it's time for Twitter to give up on trying to be a social media network and embrace being a media company.
Instead of instinctively trying to simplify, digitizing your strategy can help you embrace all aspects of the plan through greater visibility and communication across departments, management levels and relevant partners, allowing seamless coordination, updating, and conflict resolution as it occurs.
You might be surprised to learn that the world's largest design team is housed at IBM, which is in full embrace of design thinking as it tries to steer itself into a new era.
I have actively shifted my approach to embrace failing quickly to learn fast, trying imperfect ideas.
The point Hootsuite is trying to get across with the photos is «#SocialNotScary» — the idea that businesses should embrace social media instead of hunkering down and hoping it goes away.
Hsieh's sudden embrace of the city seemed to come out of nowhere, even to those who had spent years trying to develop the struggling downtown.
Writing in the New York City weekly newspaper The Villager, freelance journalist Mary Reinholz claims that the newsman «embraced» and tried to kiss her after helping her with a story she was writing.
So if background noise bothers you while you're working, try your best to embrace it — it could be a sign that you're a creative genius.
«But I think the time I've spent trying to figure out what to do with it, how to cope with it, how to manage it, how to embrace it, how to laugh about it, and how to let it be part of who I am has brought me to a point where I think a lot of my creative energy comes from that place.
Don't be afraid to embrace that: be unique, try new things, and let yourself and your employees enjoy the freedoms of working in a digital environment.
The current regulators — the Federal Communications Commission's Republican majority — and many of its critics both embrace a solution that 19th - century Americans tried and dismissed: market competition.
Instead of trying to crush the criticism, at our company we decided to embrace it and learn more about each issue to find solutions.
But what if, instead of trying to downplay or escape their climate, companies began to embrace it, using their temps to inspire their direction?
As a publicly traded company, we try to embrace that startup mentality while having the benefit of incredible resources and scale at our disposal.
But take time to drop your routine and embrace the unfamiliar by trying new things; the mistakes along the way may just lead to your best work yet.
Instead of offloading your stress with an embrace, try writing instead.
Therefore, a truly innovative and challenge embracing culture must seek and try out new ideas that push for growth and progress.
So says consultant Keith McFarland, who is one of a number of business thinkers trying to figure out how to transform the strategic planning process into something entrepreneurs can embrace.
Now, I try to embrace slower months and use them as an opportunity to recharge and focus on generating new ideas.
Other writers have come out in favor of acknowledging the unique summer vibe and trying to find productivity by embracing seasonal difference through flexibility.
You can even hear it in the in - store music choices, usually well - known songs remixed by obscure artists — another way to embrace pop while trying to maintain an indie edge.
Another winning strategy could be looking for investors who might specifically be interested in diversifying and embracing your differences, rather than trying to follow the crowd.
Shunning progress would be as futile now as the Luddites» protests against mechanised looms were in the 1810s, because any country that tried to stop would be left behind by competitors eager to embrace new technology.
If so, embrace the new model and refine it but don't try to force it to be traditional.
The reason commercial investment firms and commercial banks all over the world, no matter if they are located in Cologne, Madrid, Reykjavik, Buenos Aires, New York, London, Wellington, Melbourne, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Shanghai, Kunming, Hong Kong, Singapore, or Nairobi try to convince all clients to embrace diversification strategy as an essential part of their wealth building plan is not because it actually works, but because it covers up the weaknesses and flaws of an unqualified financial consultant.
In response, fashion and beauty brands began to embrace messages of empowerment rather than trying to make consumers feel insecure.
Bank of Japan governor Haruhiko Kuroda told reporters that active debate by officials is already underway, and that attendees are trying to balance consumer protection with embracing innovation.
There are, however, fears that the government is trying to stifle the kind of fintech that seeks to democratise the financial sector, while embracing those that allow it to exert more control over its citizens (in January, plans were announced for a US$ 2.12 bn artificial intelligence [AI] development park in Beijing, with China urging companies including those in the military sector to participate in the technology's development).
Try these tips for this upcoming week and embrace Earth Day in your marketing efforts.
Now man may try and move the truth, and societies may embrace the moved truth, but that doesn't change the truth.
As I don't carry enough theological weight to help my fellow believers in this debate with evidence or valuable dialog, and I was never able to cement myself in mt attempt to be an atheist, I can only say that when I tried to de-construct my belief system and embrace the scientific angle, it fell flat.
«All our talk about peace and the weapons of the spirit is meaningless unless we try in every way to embrace voluntary poverty and not work in any position, any job that contributes to war... We must give up our place in this world, sacrifice children, family... And we will be considered fools for Christ.»
as much as i hate to type this — you should try to think outside the very small dark box you're in — and embrace the simple truth...
The new synthesis that Holloway called for and spent his life trying to build up was one radically faithful to Christ and his Church and which embraced the fullness of Catholic truth including matters of both «faith and morals».
Logical, rational, hard, control centered, word based... men are typically afraid of bodies, of sensuality, of vuleberability — however, jesus and other authentic men have tried to embrace these elements.
Many people try to escape from the existential dichotomies by embracing one side and rejecting the other.
I'm still trying to figure out what it means to embrace waiting as a part of life, but so far the most interesting fringe benefit I've observed is a newfound capacity for absorbing the significance of the little things.
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