Sentences with phrase «try obesity drugs»

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Again, these experiments clearly highlight that PTP1B could be a very important player in the development of insulin resistance, and this has actually led to a number of pharmaceutical companies developing drugs, trying to develop inhibitors of PTP1B as potential drugs for treatment of obesity and type II diabetes.
I'm going to give it a try,» or they can say, «Well, I think I'm going to wait for a few more trials, FDA approval,» and they can sit back, but more and more, the public are ready to evaluate science simultaneously and take these very common sense, very easy... Well, behavior is not an easy thing to change, but far easier than taking chemotherapy or disease modifying drugs that are going to shut down your immune system and give you life - threatening side effects, that could let you get your life back from an autoimmune condition, or a serious psychiatric problem, or a severe diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, things that are completely under their control.
More and more of my feline patients were on one or more prescription drugs and / or diets to try to help them with the diseases I encountered day - to - day in feline practice: recurrent bladder (lower urinary) problems, obesity, diabetes, chronic vomiting and / or diarrhea, chronic constipation, asthma, skin and ear problems, to name a few.
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