Sentences with phrase «try paced bottle feeding»

But to help avoid preference for the flow of the bottle, which can be faster and / or easier than a breast's flow, try paced bottle feeding
The flow could be too fast or too slow or your baby might want to be held a different way while he's eating (try the paced bottle feeding method to help).

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I've also desperately tried to keep my cool as I tried to explain paced bottle feeding to a babysitter again.
«To make things easier, establish breastfeeding first before trying out different bottles so your baby can continue to build those muscles and skills,» says Leigh Anne O'Connor, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who also recommends using paced bottle feeding to ease the transition and choosing a slow - flow nipple, which will be most like breastfeeding.
If you do need to (or want to) offer a bottle before the age of six weeks, follow my paced bottle feeding suggestions and try to use a slow flow nipples.
Try paced water feeding — when baby sits up when taking a bottle and baby is doing the working with an uphill flow, where they're doing the work.
Gallagher says you can try a couple of tricks, like using different bottle nipples, adjusting milk temperatures, trying a different way of holding your baby and the bottle, and utilizing the paced bottle feeding method.
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