Sentences with phrase «trying to tell me»

What people don't understand is that Nye isn't trying to tell parents to stop teaching their children about religion.
By attempting to promote your lack of belief to others, are you not trying to tell them how they should live (without faith)?
This, my friend, is the essence of what I've been trying to tell others for years.
They are trying to tell of things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard and which have not entered into the mind of man.
Why focus on the opinions of the gospels» writers instead of on what Jesus himself was trying to tell us?
«You know it's a myth» is trying to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong.
These contributions are, of course, put in relation to everything else, so it is not a question of our trying to tell God something God does not already know, or persuading God to change the evaluation of someone, like the brother who commits suicide.
Nobody is trying to tell you haw to live.
The government should not and is not trying to tell the Church what fairy tales it can tell their congregation.
Think for yourself and stop trying to tell people what to think!
Is Jesus trying to tell us to throw prudence to the winds and sink everything in one deal?
They can't, and, therefore, they are trying to tell there employees how they can spend their own income.
If you're trying to tell me something, I want to hear it.»
Trying to tell this message to people in churches seems to do very little except split churches.
Don't think God is trying to tell the voters something?
Are religious people trying to tell us that the only reason they don't run around killing and raping people is because they are being watch from above and fear punishment?
but that is totally out of context with what jesus was trying to tell the rich man and his disciples
The difference is the author is NOT SBNR and trying to tell someone ELSE they are a copout for their beliefs.
I see so many religious signs everyday and get approached atleast once a week by christians on the streets trying to tell me how I should believe.
Perhaps God is giving the voters divine guidance and trying to tell them something.
What he's trying to tell the world is, «See?
Why do these bible thumpers love to preach when who they are trying to tell this to don't give a crap about it?
Although would wish if you would provide me with a link that explains what you are trying to tell me but in a form of drawings or pictures rather than complicated words that I am not aware of... that is if no trouble to you and thank you so much about your responses...
Perhaps Jeebus is trying to tell us to go back to horse.
When I finally awoke in the morning, I concluded that it must have been god who was trying to tell me something as it couldn't be otherwise given that I was a baptized Christian.
Sorry, but the idea that atheists (which is not capitalized, btw) are trying to tell anyone to believe anything by protesting this is patently absurd.
But trying to tell me you know what Jesus wants and feels and what he thinks?
A known dishonest liar like yourself trying to tell a jew he doesn't know his history and then telling me to read the bible.
So forget separation of church and state, gay lobby groups are going directly after private groups now too, trying to tell them what they can and can't do.
You said, «Those that don't believe that is your business and stop trying to tell others what to believe in.»
donivan said, «Those that don't believe that is your business and stop trying to tell others what to believe in.»
Root metaphors are as important as Stephen C. Pepper argued in World Hypotheses, and Russell obliged an inquiring reader with an explication, but not by trying to tell «exactly what he meant by it.»
But if we believe that each part of the bible is inspired by God, then he must be trying to tell us something.
This is a reply from me to someone trying to tell me to just accept something.
This is, in part, what liberation theologians of the Third World have been trying to tell us.
Better pay attention, GOD might be trying to tell you something.
Are you willing to let people believe what they would like to believe without you trying to tell them they are wrong as well?
It's what I keep trying to tell people, but they are deaf and dumb to all reason and sense.
Stop your whining and stop trying to tell people how to live.
He knew the devil was the culprit, just as now he is trying to tell you lies that when you repent it is not good enough.
I for one am getting tired of these types of people trying to tell me how to live my life.
I've just been stating my perspective, you've been trying to tell me what I SHOULD do.
Additionally, Pope Francis has never said we should forget the issue of abortion (despite what the press is trying to tell us), he is just affirming what Catholicism has always taught, that it is never our place to judge or condemn women who have had abortions.
That is what Nye is trying to tell people.
«David and alike are trying to tell us that gays marriage and gay fornication is ok which is a lie and once you read this you can continue to read the rest.»
In Indonesia, there are some Christian people who are trying to tell people it is wrong to call God «Allah.»
So what you're trying to tell me is that jesus can perform miracles, he did so for a crapload of people, but since it was also thrown into the bible that he can't perform for evil people (or wicked generation or whatever) and since we're all sinners he can't perform miracles so we just have to trust him, actually not him necessarily, a book written by a bunch of people 100's of years after jesus who also weren't seeing miracles done, so they decided that since no more miracles were happening, it's our fault.
I think he was trying to tell us to stop.
That's what the sheep keep trying to tell the shepherd.
I would also recommend praying for the grace to understand what God is trying to tell us through Francis.
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