Sentences with phrase «tucked under a fabric»

The uniquely designed laundry tabs are tucked under a fabric loop that keeps them protected in the laundry.

Not exact matches

In such case, you should choose one that has thin fabric and make sure it is well tucked under the crib mattress.
To give baby extra support while sleeping, you can tuck your baby's head under the fabric.
The fabric is brought under your arm pits to the front and twisted and tucked into the rolled edge of the fabric rather than knotted.
When your baby falls asleep, you can gently tuck his or her head under the Boba Wrap's strong yet super stretchy cotton / Spandex blend fabric for fantastic neck support and — hint, hint — the occasional longer nap.
Likewise, I found that the nursing tops and sleep bras that were supposed to just get pulled to the side and tucked under my boob were a pain because the fabric tended to «pop» back up and get in Ike's way unless I manually held it down with my fingers.
Tuck your baby under the second shoulder piece and spread out the fabric again.
Alas, a maxi skirt, as pictured, means unsightly leg dance concealed within the folds of silky meringue, and the entire table worth of food — minus the plates — safely tucked into the fabric puff under the waist belt, which to curious onlookers I insist is an Alice & Olivia design feature and NOT a food baby (it is).
I made my slipcovers with ruffles on three sides of the chair (you can do all four if you prefer) and added extra fabric across the back to tuck under the chair seat.
Or you can simply twist the extra fabric and tuck it under the hem.
Even though they were too long, the fabric makes it easy to tuck the excess length under until you have them to the perfect length for you — no tailor required!
Get one in a thinner fabric so it can be tucked into jeans, layered under jumpsuits, or worn with literally anything else your heart desires.
You can see that instead of having a separate waistband and trying to sew the elastic and finish the seam at the end, I just had one piece of fabric that I folded under and tucked the elastic into to create the waistband.
For my figure it is more flattering in a softer fabric that is less «full» at the hips, or a straighter cut, and I don't ever tuck in a shirt (unless it's under a jacket or cardigan and you don't see it).
And then, as I started to walk up the stairs and the fabric from my dress tucked under my feet, I realized my stylist had told me, «Kick, walk, kick, walk.»
When we are ready to staple, the middle section (in the picture above) gets tucked under to conceal the raw edges of the fabric.
Also the blue and white fabric on the footstool tucked under the table.
Fold the fabric on the side down tucking the front fabric under the side fabric, like a present.
You can use muslin or consider using other inexpensive fabrics or even fabric remnants — the edges don't have to be hemmed since they'll be tucked under.
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