Sentences with phrase «tucked under the back»

Wrap one side of the blanket over your baby's body, tucking it under his back, then fold the bottom of the blanket to the chest loosely.
Fold the left side of the swaddle blanket across, and tuck it under her back.
Making up 70 billion of the nearly 86 billion neurons in the human brain, these relatively simple cells are tightly packed into the cerebellum, a broccoli - shaped structure tucked under the back of our brain.

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You'll find that you can stay on your toes longer during plank or you can sink your seat one inch deeper with a flatter back or you can raise your leg a little higher with your hips tucked under.
Tuck your dress back under your pants and gird your loins, I suggest.
Tuck end of tortilla under the filling and gently pull back to tighten filling inside.
He ordered a 40 of Pabst Blue Ribbon, handed over a few bucks, then climbed back on his scooter, bottle tucked under his arm — no helmet — and zipped down the sidewalk before veering into the street.
Grab a dutch oven and lightly sprinkle some flour in the bottom; then reheat your oven to 450 degrees F. Return back to the dough blob on your counter — fold over and tuck under, as you work around the dough — you are going to form it into a ball — not too large, maybe around 7 - 8 ″ in diameter.
«City's full - backs sometimes tuck in and play like midfielders so maybe it wasn't as big a change for him as it might have been under a different manager,» says Carragher.
Make sure your child does not tuck the shoulder belt under her arm or behind her back.
Without a pocket to stuff, diaper changes are quicker with Flip; just tuck the insert or prefold of your choice under the front and back flaps and the diaper is ready to put on your baby!
Pull the corner of the blanket near his left hand over his arm and chest, and tuck the leading edge under his back on his right side.
Just use your finger and tuck them back under the elastics of your diaper cover.
It makes me want to go find a vintage black clutch to tuck saucily under my arm while I saunter off to the latest show at New York Fashion Week... Oh, right, back to my real life...
So flip the extra blankets back onto your hubby, and keep one lighter one over you, tucked under your arms if you like, and bulk up on clothing if you're cold.
Wrap the right corner around the baby, and tuck it under the baby's back on the left side, leaving only the neck and head exposed.
Wrap the left corner over the body and tuck it beneath the back of the baby, going under the right arm.
Follow it up with child's pose, rounding the back and tucking the knees under you.
Inners: features a front and back PUL based flat for tucking diapers under neath with a double gusset.
Make sure that you tuck the arm flaps securely and flat under the baby's back as the flaps keeps the baby from working her arms free and waking herself.
You can simply wrap the cover around your cloth diaper, or use the inner front and back flats to tuck your prefold or flat under.
It may take weeks of tummy time before your baby gets the hang of pushing up on her forearms and rolling onto her back, and many weeks more before she figures out how to tuck her arm under her body or over her head to roll back onto her stomach.
Notice in the picture below, that I've rolled a towel and tucked it under Rowan's blanket behind his back for this activity.
After a few days of trying to tuck your shirt up under your chin, you'll understand why this feature is so important (and your neck and back will thank you)!
Likewise, I found that the nursing tops and sleep bras that were supposed to just get pulled to the side and tucked under my boob were a pain because the fabric tended to «pop» back up and get in Ike's way unless I manually held it down with my fingers.
The arm on top is curved around behind my back and tucked under my lower back.
The cover is designed for tucking a diaper under the front and back flap.
You can encourage her to play with her feet when on her back, tucking a blanket roll under her hips to help her raise her feet and place rattle socks on her feet to entice her.
Lift wing tips up and over back; tuck under bird.
Pelvic floor should be activated, shoulders back and down, pelvis tucked under, tummy in and head up.
Tuck the back toes under and lift the back knee and then step your front foot back to the back of the mat.
Here's how to do it: Begin on all fours, knees slightly back, toes tucked under.
Keep your hands planted, tuck your toes under, then press your tailbone up in the air as you shift your weight back into your heels.
Here's how to do it: Kneel on all fours, toes tucked under, keeping your back neutral.
Tuck your tailbone under and extend the back of your neck again.
Exhale to tuck the tailbone under and begin to roll back down smoothly so you are lying on your back.
Kneel on all fours, toes tucked under, keeping your back neutral.
Back leg kneeling and foot either tucked under or on toes.
When we contract our abdominal muscles, we tuck our pelvis under and the natural arch in our lower back is flattened, resulting in the flat back or sway - back postures common among introverts.
Sway - back posture: pelvis tucked under and pushed forward, a flat lower back, and hyperextended knees
Ab shredding move of the day for all you Ab - shredders: Start in a hollow hold position - which is arms by your ears and legs up off the floor core engaged with tailbone tucked under, low back pressing down.
Start in a hollow hold position — which is arms by your ears and legs up off the floor core engaged with tailbone tucked under, low back pressing down.
Once you are finished, tuck the back toes under, press the hands into the floor and step back to Downward Dog.
Tuck your toes under, and bring your feet back to bring the body into a straight line.
Brace your abdominals, tuck your tailbone under to eliminate any low back curvature, and drive your knee into your chest.
As you sit down, tuck your knees back under the bar again, which should now already be positioned at the correct height.
Lift wing tips up and over back; tuck under turkey.
The tendency for all of us, as we fatigue throughout a day of shopping, is to slip into poor postural habits such as locking our knees back and tucking our buns under.
Begin by laying on your back with your hands tucked under your hips with palms facing down.
Engage core by tucking tailbone under and pressing lower back into the mat.
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