Sentences with phrase «tucked under your hips»

Begin by laying on your back with your hands tucked under your hips with palms facing down.

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Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
You'll find that you can stay on your toes longer during plank or you can sink your seat one inch deeper with a flatter back or you can raise your leg a little higher with your hips tucked under.
You can encourage her to play with her feet when on her back, tucking a blanket roll under her hips to help her raise her feet and place rattle socks on her feet to entice her.
You can wear your baby on your front in three positions: newborns use the fetal position, with arms and legs tucked in; for infants under 6 months, the seat adjusts to a narrower setting so legs can be out but hips are still properly supported; babies 6 months and older use a wider seat setting, with legs wrapping around your body.
Keep your hips facing forward and your tailbone tucked under as you press your heel toward the ceiling, pulsing the leg for 20 reps.
How to: Lie on the floor and place your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips, toes tucked.
Start by kneeling on the ground with the fit ball tucked in under your torso and against your hips.
Make sure to keep your elbows in by your side, your hips tucked under and your core tight.
Tuck your toes under (keep the feet hip width apart and pointing forwards with heels lifted) and as you exhale lift the knees away from the floor (keeping a slight bend) lengthen your Tailbone bringing your sitting bones up towards the ceiling.
The toes may still be resting on the floor or tucked up under the hips.
Tuck your toes under and lift your hips up towards the ceiling behind you, moving towards an inverted «V» shape (b).
Start in good push - up position with hands a little wider than shoulder width apart, hands aligned with the chest, legs straight, and hips tucked under.
Knees should be under your hips and toes tucked.
Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
To get the most stretch from this variation of Malasana, systematically lengthen each segment, without skipping any, by bending your back bit by bit, tucking your hips under, and working your way up the spine, one vertebra at a time, all the way to your neck and head.
Tuck a thick blanket or cushion under the left hip to even out the pelvis and reduce pressure on the front knee.
Tuck your toes under and press your hips up and back.
Once you've established this connection between the base of the pose and your shoulders, keep gazing back at your feet as you lift up into Dolphin by tucking your toes under and pressing your hips back and up as if you were going into Downward - Facing Dog.
Your hips and low back should be held in neutral spine, which means that you are not standing with your buns tucked under nor are you standing in a gymnast's posture either.
For my figure it is more flattering in a softer fabric that is less «full» at the hips, or a straighter cut, and I don't ever tuck in a shirt (unless it's under a jacket or cardigan and you don't see it).
Though nowhere as extreme as this 78 square foot shoebox apartment in Manhattan, this pared - down, 258 square foot remodelled pigeon loft in Barcelona's hip Born district takes its inspiration from boat design to create a space that has most of its hideaway elements tucked into one wall — plus a pull - out bed that's hidden under the balcony, of all places.
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