Sentences with phrase «tucking under your butt»

Not exact matches

To help open up the top part for the first part of labor squatting with your butt tucked under will help make this happen, like this;
Keep the butt tucked under so that you're hinging at the knees and not at the waist.
Both sticking your butt out and tucking it under will have consequences for your spine.
Your client should be able to feel her glutes lengthen when she sits into a squat, if not, she will either overarch her back or tuck her butt under — both of these habits negate eccentric glute length.
Now your back is hunched over and your butt is tucked under.
Tips and Safety: Find the appropriate depth for your frame to avoid tucking your pelvis under at the bottom (butt wink).
If you feel that your resting level of tension is high (i.e. your bottom is always slightly clenched, or you stand with your butt tucked under), or if you can't sense a difference between the contraction and relaxation phase of your kegel, then you might have an overly active pelvic floor... Or as we've been saying today, a «Hulk vagina.»
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