Sentences with phrase «tumor cell processes»

Along with the study's co-first authors, Drs. Aayoung Hong and Gatien Moriceau, Lo hypothesized that if they could identify the key tumor cell processes triggered by withdrawal of MAPK inhibitors, then scientists can exploit these process with existing or investigational drugs to trigger the maximal levels of tumor cell death immediately following cessation of the initial therapy.

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As a cancer researcher, do you think the mechanisms of tumor growth are somehow changing to come into line with your perceptions, or is it possible that the process of our learning more about DNA mutations and cell architecture and nutrient exchange and epigenetic effects make it possible for us to inch ever closer to understanding that which is already going on under our noses?
«Used in cancer therapy, this process could increase the impact of a treatment by heating the cancer cells while introducing the drug compound into the tumor
Cancer stem cells can reproduce themselves through a process called self - renewal and sustain the growth of a tumor.
Dr. Llovet and colleagues demonstrated that the expression of mutant IDH in the adult liver of genetically engineered mice impairs liver cell development and liver regeneration — a process in which the liver responds to injury — and increases the number of cells to form a tumor.
Metastasis, the process that allows some cancer cells to break off from their tumor of origin and take root in a different tissue, is the most common reason people die from cancer.
Several studies have used cell - surface markers — proteins found on the outer membranes of tumor cells — to identify glioblastoma stem cells; but the specific markers used have been controversial and can not reflect molecular processes going on within tumor cells.
«If we can identify the point at which tumor cells acquire the characteristics of stem cells, it will be possible to look for ways to interrupt the process and avoid progression of the disease.»
According to the head of the research group of chemoresistance and Predictors of tumor response and stromal environment ICO - IDIBELL, Alberto Villanueva, «tumor exosomes contain certain proteins (Dicer, TRBP and Ago2) able to process microRNAs that can alter the around the tumor cells transforming them into tumoral cells
The process enables some viruses to insert their genetic material into the DNA of healthy human cells, which can lead to tumors and other diseases.
The scientists went through the same process using tumor - derived cells that continuously multiply.
The vaccine harnesses the natural process of T - cell immunity to tumors, but enhances it to help overcome tumors» formidable defenses.
Drugs that enhance a process called oxidative stress were found to kill rhabdomyosarcoma tumor cells growing in the laboratory and possibly bolstered the effectiveness of chemotherapy against this aggressive tumor of muscle and other soft tissue.
Endosomes are machinery that tumor cells, via a process called endocytosis, can use to incorporate components into their environment and obtain energy by degrading them via autodigestion or autophagy.
A mutation that helps make cells immortal is critical to the development of a tumor, but new research at the University of California, Berkeley suggests that becoming immortal is a more complicated process than originally thought.
Cheng and colleagues did experiments using human cells and identified hnRNPM's role in controlling the processes linked to tumor metastasis.
Any deviation in these processes could lead to cells that do not have the proper number of chromosomes, which could accelerate tumor initiation and progression.
«But mounting evidence confirming angiotropism and EVMM has revolutionized the knowledge of how cancer spreads through the body to the point that other scientists have confirmed the process in other solid tumor cell types such as pancreatic cancer.»
They found that if autophagy — the intracellular recycling process — is blocked in tumor cells, they produce cytokines that attract NK cells.
Autophagy — an essential process cancer cells need to fuel their growth — is a key troublemaker spurring tumor growth.
In a bid to progress beyond the shotgun approach to fighting cancer — blasting malignant cells with toxic chemicals or radiation, which kills surrounding healthy cells in the process — researchers at the Harvard - MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) are using nanotechnology to develop seek - and - destroy models to zero in on and dismantle tumors without damaging nearby normal tissue.
Glioblastoma is the most lethal form of primary brain tumor and leads to death in patients by invading the brain tissue in a process that allows single cells to move through normal brain tissue, which makes complete surgical removal of the tumor impossible.
A combination of hypoxia and messages from the tumor cells initiates a process whereby the newly arrived macrophages assume their bad - boy identity as tumor promoters.
How cell division occurs and is coordinated with organismal development is a subject of intense research interest, as is how this process malfunctions in the development of tumors.
Understanding how cancer cells are able to metastasize — migrate from the primary tumor to distant sites in the body — and developing therapies to inhibit this process are the focus of many laboratories around the country.
Another view is that tumors can become resistant to therapy by a process called cell fate decision, by which some tumor cells are killed by therapy and others become cancer stem cells.
Metastasis is the process in which cells from a primary tumor break - off, enter the blood stream and create new tumors elsewhere in the body.
This allows cancer cells to break off from tumors, spread throughout the body (in blood or other fluid) and form new tumors at distant sites — a process called metastasis.
The software allowed them to cluster genes into groups associated with specific molecular processes and see which processes in tumors and blood cells were associated with each other.
Because diseases such as cancer tend to evade detection by T - cells» receptors, allowing a tumor to grow unchecked, scientists have long sought «intel» on this process as a means of developing therapies that target malignant cells, but leave healthy cells alone.
This process requires a fundamental change in the character of cells within the primary tumor, insofar as members of a localized cell mass must be converted into actively migrating cells that invade into the surrounding tissue and blood vessels, and finally settle in distant tissues.
However, an overactive stimulation of mTOR in response to nutrients and growth factors — metabolic processes that are crucial in tumor biology — leads to an increase in cell growth and proliferation.
In the process they induce inflammation; the cells also secrete other inflammatory chemicals, like interleukin - 6 and tumor necrosis factor - alpha, which are known to adhere to the endothelium of the blood vessels, an early event in atherosclerosis.
The discovery of cells» ultra-sensitivity for mechanical property of their environment is crucial to understanding basic physiological processes that underlie embryo development, tumor metastasis, wound healing and many other aspects of human health and disease.
Knowing how cells exert force and sense mechanical feedback in their microenvironment is crucial to understanding how they activate a wide range of cellular functions, such as cell reproduction, differentiation and adhesion — basic physiological processes that underlie embryo development, tumor metastasis, wound healing and many other aspects of human health and disease.
As the cost of DNA sequencing continues to plummet, the lab will move ever closer to a once - elusive goal: economically processing every patient's complete genome in both tumors and healthy cells.
Myc cancer gene empowers tumor cells to relentlessly divide but simultaneously, provokes a cell suicide process called apoptosis.
The system can help scientists determine more about how a cell reacts to its immediate environment, Bissell says, and how that process goes wrong in growing or spreading tumors, in which cells lose their ability to read signals from their environment that would prevent them from dividing.
Half to 90 percent of glioblastoma cells use this cellular process so indoximod helps a patient's own immune system to find and attack their tumors.
Researchers knew at the time that tumors can induce normal endothelial cells to form new blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis.
«Why premature cell division promotes cancers: Researchers have discovered how genes responsible for cell division, when mutated, disrupt the replication process of the genome and promote tumor formation.»
The Ludwig Center at the University of Chicago --- under the direction of Ralph Weichselbaum, MD, the Daniel K. Ludwig Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology, and Geoffrey Greene, PhD, the Daniel K. Ludwig Professor in the Ben May Cancer Research Institute at the University of Chicago — will focus on metastasis, the process by which cancer cells migrate from a primary tumor to multiple distant sites.
Leakage outside the tumor cells would mean that the heated particles could potentially fry healthy cells in the process.
«Our results show that not only do exosomes enhance the phenomenon of the «Warburg effect» in tumors, but exosomes also contain «off - the - shelf» metabolites within their cargo that cancer cells use directly in their metabolic processes,» Zhao said.
Metastatic colonization is a highly inefficient process that only a small subset of disseminated tumor cells accomplish (Nguyen et al., 2009).
More importantly, Zhang and his team for the first time found that treating the pancreatic tumor cells with MIR506 induced autophagy, a process that occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development and that could promote cancer cell death.
In cancer, however, this process can produce invasive and mobile cells that can pass through membranes and travel to distant sites, where they seed new tumors.
This technique allows us to capture images of biological processes, for instance to trace individual tumor cells in mice for several weeks at subcellular resolution.
More recently, the process of EMT was associated with the ability of cells to initiate experimental tumors — a key - trait ascribed to «cancer stem cells».
Alex Huang and Drew Pardoll, with Elizabeth Jaffee and Hyam Levitsky at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine demonstrate tumor - associated antigen processing and presentation to CD8 + T cell by bone marrow - derived professional antigen presenting cells via «cross-priming.»
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