Sentences with phrase «tuna stocks»

He says that Pacific bluefin tuna stocks have shrunk to just 4 % of the historical population, making proper stock management a matter of urgency.
Next week the issue of overfishing of Pacific tuna stocks will be addressed at the annual meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, in Panama City, Panama.
Our partners at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program and the Vancouver Aquarium Ocean Wise program list skipjack tuna as a healthy tuna stock in the WCPO.
Our Wild Ahi tuna is made with yellowfin tuna (Thunnas albacares) caught in the Western Central Pacific catch area which is part of the Western Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) yellowfin tuna stock.
In his article on tuna stocks, James Joseph provides good figures for their status, correctly highlighting bluefin tuna as being...
Safe Catch Elite tuna is made with skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) caught in the Western Central Pacific catch area which is part of the Western Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) skipjack tuna stock.
The assessment comes out just as international representatives from some of the intergovernmental organizations charged with managing regional tuna stocks convene in La Jolla, California, for the Kobe III meeting on 11 - 15 July.
«Oceanic sharks do a pretty good job of maintaining strong tuna stocks by culling the small and genetically weaker ones, similar to the role of the lion in the Serengeti,» MacPherson says.
Piracy has posed a very serious problem for marine science — monitoring tuna stocks for example.
You only have to look at falling water tables in India and China, the pollution of Yellow and Ganges rivers, the price of oil and grain, plummeting tuna stock and the vanishing forests of the Amazon, to see that obvious truth.
Bluefin Tuna Stocks Down 97 % in Mediterranean In case you don't know what the big deal about bluefin tuna is all about, Sea Shepherd has prepared an Atlantic Bluefin Tuna fact sheet.
TOKYO — A multinational organization that coordinates fishing activities in the western Pacific is throwing a lifeline to heavily overfished Pacific bluefin tuna stocks.
«The health of the ocean environment, the long term sustainability of tuna stocks and the interests of many are being put at risk by the short - sighted self interest of a few,» she added.
The resolution also encourages additional research to be done on the relationship between the western Atlantic, eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna stocks and how they effect one another.
The most effective way to protect the tuna stocks is to put in place a moratorium now so that they can start being replenished.
«New England's bluefin tuna stocks are declining and in danger of collapsing, and we must act now before it's too late.
At current rates of catch, driving up by increasing demand from Japan for use in sushi, Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks will be gone within 3 years.
Pacific tuna stocks on severe decline What's at stake is the sustainability of Bigeye and Yellowfin tuna stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
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