Sentences with phrase «tuning building energy»

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The system, built by L - 3 Communications in Woburn, Mass., emits beams of radio - frequency energy that are tuned to reflect well off human skin.
Bodybuilders or athletes can also benefit from DHEA, using it to fine - tune their body's ability to perform, build strength, sustain energy levels, and stay lean.
As soft landings moves into the mainstream, and the results from better handover, fine - tuning and aftercare support begin to show dividends in lower energy consumption and better performing building systems, soft landings should become routine.
Imagine high - tech buildings so in tune with the biosphere that they inhabit the landscape like native trees, making oxygen, sequestering carbon, fixing nitrogen, purifying water, providing habitat for thousands of species, accruing solar energy, building soil, and changing with the seasons — while also generating remarkable productivity and providing beauty, comfort, and delight.
This facilitates a more effective iterative design process, allowing the user to get an immediate idea of the building's energy performance, and rule out poorly performing design options, before exporting to PHPP to fine - tune the design and make the verification.
Also, stay tuned for an upcoming post that lays out why Passive House is the only building methodology that can deliver the kind of energy efficiency to meet the necessary goals for affordable housing.
The fact that American citizens are being assaulted with their own taxpayer and ratepayer money (which is subsidizing the building of these wind factories to the tune of 80 percent of the total costs), in the name of the failed «green» energy boondoggle of wind is shameful, and simply un-American.
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