Sentences with phrase «turbidity levels»

The water utility serving New York City has identified heavy precipitation events as one of its major climate - change - related concerns because such events can raise turbidity levels in some of the city's main reservoirs up to 100 times the legal limit for source quality at the utility's intake, requiring substantial additional treatment and monitoring costs (Miller and Yates, 2006).
He said the moratorium placed on small scale mining by the government was good, saying since then, turbidity levels of water bodies had been declining drastically, and urged all to come on board to help stop «galamsey» in the country.

Not exact matches

While the Rockland County Commissioner of Health Dr. Patricia Ruppert stated that measurements did not reach levels that represent a public health concern, turbidity can interfere with disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth; may indicate the presence of disease causing organisms; and those dynamics can have effects on health, particularly those with compromised immune systems.
Water turbidity (cloudiness) levels that exceeded the standard were discovered at varying times between July 10 and July 22 through testing which the utility is required to conduct at four hours intervals throughout the day.
Monitored, operated, and adjusted water treatment pumps, valves, tank levels, line pressures, chemical feed equipment, rapid sand filter performance, sedimentation basin, and turbidity through SCADA or direct observation.
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