Sentences with phrase «turn on appliances»

This handy gadget monitors toxins, chemicals, CO2, humidity, and temperature and can turn on appliances like your air purifier or air conditioner when your levels need to be adjusted to clean the air.
It could turn on your appliances by recognizing sound — in this case, a high - pitched, squeezable whistle.
When your cat wakes you by meowing outside your door, you can hit a button on the remote to turn on the appliance.
Open refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, ovens, washers, dryers - always check for puppy before shutting or turning on any appliance!
Led by electrical engineering and computer science professor Diane Cook, the CASAS team uses the sensors to collect data on a person's everyday activities, such as getting out of bed or turning on an appliance.
Locking doors, turning off lights, lowering blinds, turning on appliances, of course all the audio / visual type of interaction.

Not exact matches

«Say you have a family with children, and you don't want the oven turned on while you're not home,» he said, referring to smart devices or appliances that can do things like that.
You can turn lights on and off, and even let your appliances order their own refills, or ask Alexa to order stuff.
TP - Link's Mini Plug can make older appliances «smart» by letting you turn them on and off using an app.
You'll be able to turn the appliance on and off through TP - Link's app or the Echo Dot, which doesn't make it as smart as a new appliance, but does make it more useful.
This plug lets you turn appliances on and off by using the company's app.
If you would like your slow cooker to turn on and off automatically, you can plug it into an appliance timer.
Smart plugs are almost exactly what it says on the tin — plugs which can turn almost any appliance into home automation.
Child Proof the House (Set the temperature of your hot water heater to 120 degrees F, use covers on electrical outlets and latches on cabinets, keep household cleaners, chemicals and medicines completely out of reach and always store them in their original container and know the Poison Control Center number (1-800-222-1222), do not carry hot liquids or food near your child and do not allow your child near stoves, heaters or other hot appliances (especially curling irons), and when cooking, use the back burners and turn pot handles inward, to prevent drowning, never leave your child alone near any container of water, keep a list of emergency numbers near the phone, and lock rooms that are not child proof).
Remember to unplug appliances when they are not in use so your child can not turn them on, and don't allow electrical cords to dangle where your child can reach and tug on them.
And as his understanding of cause and effect develops, he'll become much more interested in winding up toys and turning lights and appliances on and off.
Unplug appliances when they are not in use so your child can not turn them on.
Has turning knobs, silk - screened controls, acrylic windows on appliance doors and wooden shelves for lots of play food storage.
But some appliances can harm your child if she turns them on, pulls them down on her, or gets tangled in a cord.
He then advised the general public to consume electricity wisely during this festive period that schools are on vacation and cautioned parents to ensure their wards turns off electrical appliances when they are not in use.
MoveOn also responded to electrical blackouts and skyrocketing energy costs in California by calling for cost controls on electricity utility companies, organizing a nationwide «roll your own energy blackout» - a voluntary, three - hour electricity - free evening on June 21, in which more than 10,000 participants turned out lights and unplugged TVs and other appliances to protest Bush's energy plan.
We're huge fans of anything that makes our appliance safer, and this locking feature makes turning the knife on by accident a lot harder.
Appliances that turn on when energy is most plentiful featured in...
When the device senses a lower frequency, signaling less available electricity on the grid, it reacts by turning off certain functions of the appliance: a dryer might keep tumbling clothes but switch the heating coil off; a fridge light could stay on while the cooling motor took a break.
However, blinking is involuntary, and unless you enjoy a disco effect, it may turn appliances off and on when you don't want it to.
These activities included turning on lights, using electrical appliances and the continuous adjustment of the thermostat.
Additionally, people waste $ 19 billion annually on appliances and electronics that are turned off or in sleep mode but are still plugged in.
And during those stifling summer days I am grateful this is so, because when the temperature in my kitchen creeps up into the high eighties, you can't pay me enough to turn on any heat - emitting appliance!
Does it require you to turn on your oven, dirty several kitchen tools, or use multiple kitchen appliances?
The aliens can also smell electricity, and can turn on and drain all the appliances nearby.
It means the appliance will not accidentally turn on in your backpack and its battery will not get low.
• SAVE ENERGY & WATER: WHEN NOT INSIDE THE ROOM, Management highly discourages guests from leaving electrical appliances turned on.
Some of those elements include: - Light - colored roofing that reflects heat and saves energy; - 70 percent ENERGY STAR ® certified appliances including refrigerators, TVs, computers and kitchen equipment; - Water - efficient toilets and aerated bathroom faucets; - 10 percent of the building materials used contain recycled content; - «On Demand» ventilation that provides fresh air for occupied spaces without wasting energy on unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar or winOn Demand» ventilation that provides fresh air for occupied spaces without wasting energy on unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar or winon unoccupied areas of the property; - LED lighting - controls that turn off the lights; - Incorporates high - tech daylight sensors to reduce electrical lighting with natural sunlight and - Uses renewable energy sources such as solar or wind.
«I push a button, the console turns on — it's appliance - like in the way it works,» says Spencer.
Helen Chadwick turns herself into major kitchen appliances — much the kind that Martha Rosler with her garage sale stands before on video while slicing and dicing a man's world.
It quotes research that makes the connection: The public «may indirectly consume as much water turning on the lights and running appliances as they directly use taking showers and watering lawns.»
Obama on Greening Your Home - «American families can save money by choosing energy efficient products, turning lights off, unplugging appliances»
The Wi - fi connected smart plug measures your energy use and lets you turn appliances on and off remotely.
By turning off unused lights, appliances and unplugging batteries, we prevent a power plant from turning on.
You can also cut down on heat and smoke spillage in your kitchen by adding inexpensive side panels to hoods and turning off exhaust hood when appliances aren't being used.
Don't leave appliances on, when not using something (like the TV for example) be sure to turn it completely off.
Cut down on our own use of electricity (turn off these appliances)..
«You see similar things happen every day as factories come on - and off - line, as people turn appliances and air conditioning on and off, and with conventional power plants» planned or unplanned outages,» Goggin said.
Don't leave appliances on stand - by - always turn them off andif possible, unplug them when not in use..
«To simulate the family, the showers, toilets, lights and appliances will actually be turned on and off by computers... located in the detached garage,» says A. Hunter Fanney, chief of the building environment division.
Joe notes that when propane is used in an application where the appliance is turned on and off, such as a stove, it's «super safe» (relative to appliances that might be running all the time, such as a refrigerator).
Armed with a refrigerator - disposing laboratory mounted on the back of a truck, Ghana - based City Waste Recycling is undertaking an effort to get Agbogbloshie's scrap dealers to turn away from the flames and hand their appliances over to them for safe disposal.
Since our early days as the global leader in the beaver - pelt industry, we've cut down trees, and dug up rocks, and pumped stuff out of the ground, and sold it to you — and others — so you could turn it into more useful things like furniture, appliances, houses, suburbia, and so on.
Building automation — through controls and sensors, automation systems turn appliances and other energy uses on and off according to need and use, increasing utilization and reducing space heating and cooling waste.
• Forgetting to turn off or lose electricity flow during upholding, fixing or checking up on electrical appliances or equipment.
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