Sentences with phrase «turn the other cheek as»

Do you feel happy now, Sheila, since you didn't turn the other cheek as Jeebus told you to do?
Hopefully some day we can learn to just look the other way (You know, turn the other cheek as Christ taught), or learn that saying other people's beliefs are stupid (atheist's you don't like it when people tell you you're wrong, but you feel you can tell others they're wrong) is detrimental to a civilized society.
And I think in time you learn to turn the other cheek as far as all the comments go.
I turn the other cheek as to what «business» he does there... I have been collecting rent from the house and the studio, and break about even money wise, but I do not want this property in my life anymore, and I worry about the liability.

Not exact matches

Walked away, or as Jesus would say «Turn the other cheek».
Since you turn your other cheek, they are forced to slap with their left hand, which as i stated earlier, is a bad thing.
The moment that I set myself up as the «victim» of «journalism shaming,» not only do I take something away from people who have truly been victimized, but I add to the momentum of false victimhood culture while ignoring the words of Jesus about turning the other cheek.
He said «You have heard it said by them of old time... (referring to the old testament), but I say unto you...» Such as «resist no evil,» «turn the other cheek
When 9/11 happened, should we have blown up some of the building surrounding the WTC as a way of «turning the other cheek» or «giving up our cloak»?
If, as a natiion and people, we took this slothful opinion writer's advice to «turn the other cheek» to ruthless terrorism, who do you think would have to answer for all the innocent (and preventable) loss of life?
It inconsistent with the teachings of Christianity to make snide remarks, as Christianity teaches its followers to be patient, kind, long - suffering, love your enemies, pray for those who despitefully use you, turn the other cheek, and so on.
You «do» realize that Christians practice the New Testament: «love your neighbor as yourself», «turn the other cheek», «judge not and ye shall not be judged».
As a non-believer in any personal god I am not compelled to turn the other cheek, but give back as much or more dissing as I get and often do it first, why waiAs a non-believer in any personal god I am not compelled to turn the other cheek, but give back as much or more dissing as I get and often do it first, why waias much or more dissing as I get and often do it first, why waias I get and often do it first, why wait?
Of course I also agree with ex-NY Mayor Koch who stated something like, I don't believe in turning the other cheek, I give back as much as I get.
My take is that those who call themselves Christians really ought to pay attention to what Christ said: «treat others as you would like to be treated,» «do good to those who persecute you,» «love one another,» «be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves,» «help the poor,» «turn the other cheek
Christ said «do good to those who persecute you,» «treat others as you would like to be treated,» «turn the other cheek,» and «love one another.»
Jesus said turn the other cheek, let the wheat grow up with the tares so as not to accidently uproot anyone, Love your enemy etc..
Some of the most widely quoted sayings in the Sermon on the Mount, and the ones most consistently violated, are the commands (Mt 5:38 - 42) to turn the other cheek, to give the cloak when deprived of the coat, to go two miles when compelled to go one, to refuse no request for a gift or a loan, to offer no resistance to an evil man, as recent translations read where the KJV says «resist not evil.»
While there are difficult verses (such as «eye for eye, tooth for tooth» and «turn the other cheek»), in context, they do not contradict (with that case, Moses was setting up punishment in court, while Jesus was telling how individuals should live).
There are many positive principles you can glean from it, such as turning the other cheek, loving those who hate you, and casting no stones of dispersion against others.
As for the Christian billboard, we Christians need to better learn how to turn the other cheek.
I have defended the right as well for people to agree or disagree with me — but if someone tries to choke me I am gonna «turn my other cheek» on the way around to defending myself!!!
39bBut if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; 40and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; 41and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
We are told that he did not mean that we are to turn the other cheek or go the second mile — that is Oriental hyperbole; he meant something quite reasonable and practicable, as, for example, that we are not to take vengeance on our enemies.
When you read your Bible next time, remember the following passages: «those without sin shall cast the first stone;» «love thy neighbor as thyself;» «turn the other cheek» and «that which you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me.»
But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
The heart of God is not so much reflected in sunshine and rain as it is in the cross, where God literally turned the other cheek to the enemies of goodness and justice.
It means the end for the «kingdom of the gentiles,» although the kingdom of God will triumph not by «paying back the gentiles in their own coin,» as Wright says, but by turning the other cheek and walking the second mile.
Speaking as a journalist, I know» very sadly» that what tends to make people sit up and take notice is violence; and while Christians may not always turn the other cheek, they do tend to take it all lying down, and get on with it as best they can, and that doesn't necessarily make for front - page headlines.»
It seems as if the act of turning the other cheek in the face of controversy or challenge has become a thing of the past.
If the religious community didn't push Creationism and Intelligent Design to be taught on equal ground as the Scientific Method, we might turn the other cheek or play nice and leave you to your supernatural and magical sky fairies or cosmic butterflies, or whatever mythologies one wishes to lobotomize their brains with.
Second, as a Catholic I was always taught to turn the other cheek.
When He says that if someone wants to take your cloak, give him your tunic as well, or when someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other also, it stretches the imagination to think that He would be fine with killing someone when they try to do more than slap you on the cheek or take your cloak.
The rest support unnecessary mass - murder and torture for profit based on lies as in the War of Choice in Iraq in direct contradiction to the spirit and literal teachings of Jesus (turn the other cheek, blessed are the peacemakers, love your enemies, repay evil with good, he who lives by the sword will die by the sword, forgive seventy times seven, thou shalt not kill, etc.).
They will never catch on to Christ's teaching to «turn the other cheek» or «as you have done unto the least of these so too have you done unto me».
While I'm immensely glad and in admiration of Christians who pursue justice in politics because of their faith (MLK, Wilberforce, et al) some aspects of what's required to protect a worldly nation are in direct opposition of the commands of Jesus, such as «Turn the other cheek», and many others.
«Turn the other cheek», «Love your neighbor as yourself»... Nuggets of wisdom for a people used to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Even pious Christians seldom have embraced the «turn the other cheek» idea, nor did they typically kill homosexual men on the spot as is called for by the Bible.
As a young girl, I was guilted into being nice and turning the other cheek.
As the tongue - in - cheek spy show embarks on its fifth and final season, «Chuck: The Complete Fourth Season» (Warner) catches you up with the adventures of amiable nerd turned super-spy Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi), who spends the season looking for his mother (guest star Linda Hamilton), who also happens to be a spy and may be working for the other side.
Students will begin to realize which teachers will follow the letter of the law ~ as well as which will turn the other cheek.
Unknown facts, people turning the other cheek and ignorance stand as the opposition to what she hopes to overcome.
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