Sentences with phrase «turn the other cheek told»

Bottom line, let's look at the Bible in context (i.e. Jesus is God, same God who says turn the other cheek told the Israelites to kill every man, woman, and child in Canaan) and let's use common sense while always trying to follow Biblical teachings.

Not exact matches

Do you feel happy now, Sheila, since you didn't turn the other cheek as Jeebus told you to do?
Bubba, I think the founder of your Church told you a long time ago to turn the other cheek.
I refused even though my mom told me protect myself, because I had learned in church, that Jesus my lord and savior said not to, that we should turn the other cheek.
In the same vein, we rightly tell women they should not simply turn the other cheek when a man sexually assaults them.
It comes in a barrage of equally hard sayings toward the end of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus tells his followers to turn the other cheek, give away your coat if someone sues you for your shirt, and «love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven» (Matthew 5:44 - 45).
While there are difficult verses (such as «eye for eye, tooth for tooth» and «turn the other cheek»), in context, they do not contradict (with that case, Moses was setting up punishment in court, while Jesus was telling how individuals should live).
Hopefully some day we can learn to just look the other way (You know, turn the other cheek as Christ taught), or learn that saying other people's beliefs are stupid (atheist's you don't like it when people tell you you're wrong, but you feel you can tell others they're wrong) is detrimental to a civilized society.
We are told that he did not mean that we are to turn the other cheek or go the second mile — that is Oriental hyperbole; he meant something quite reasonable and practicable, as, for example, that we are not to take vengeance on our enemies.
I am sure someone will say that Gandhi «turned the other cheek» but was Christ was really telling his disciples to passively aid and abet evil?
>> Alyssa Milano turned the other cheek after fellow actor Jay Mohr told a radio show, Alyssa's «very tiny — in height --[but] it seems like she had a baby and said, «I don't really give a s ** t» — I read it on her gut.»
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