Sentences with phrase «turning points in our human history»

Thus, for reasons quite different from those associated with the origin and meaning of the western calendar, the year 2000 appears to mark a significant turning point in human history.
We are living at the turning point of turning points in our human history.
It was recognised in Edinburgh in 1910 that «the following ten years would in all probability constitute a turning point in human history and might be more critical in determining the spiritual revolution of humankind than many centuries of ordinary experience.
Three great turning points in human history identified by anthropologists are all related to weather and climate control.

Not exact matches

It has been brought down at the great turning points in terms of the history of humans, the Earth and the universe.
- Nicholas Meyer, New York Times Best Seller and Screenplay Academy Award nominee for The Seven Percent Solution; screenwriter, The Human Stain; director of Star Trek II — The Wrath of Khan «Juliana Maio's City of the Sun belongs in the «one percent» of new novels to read, not only because of the way she weaves suspense to keep you turning pages, but because she has married it all to a fascinating point in World War Two history with Middle East setting descriptions that will have you swearing you've been there.
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