Sentences with phrase «turns in a symphony»

A sequence of various types of electromagnetic radiation followed that gravitational trill, like musical instruments taking turns in a symphony.

Not exact matches

But as it turned out, they were like the oboe in a delicious symphony — sounds sort of icky on its own, but in fact is an integral component of the dish's lovely harmonies.
Your body's harmonious symphony is in turn affected by seasonal fluctuations.
Frances Ha used its quick cuts like punchlines; Mistress America does plenty of that (it's quick, coming in under 90 minutes) but also stages a bravura, extended farce sequence in the Connecticut suburbs that turns its snappy dialogue into a symphony of wit and movement.
Loosely adapted from David Grann's nonfiction book, James Gray's ambiguous and lyrically orchestrated historical epic turns the story of the early 20th - century British explorer Percival Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam, in a revelatory performance) and his search for a lost civilization in the wilds of Brazil into a symphony of mystery, obsession, and transcendence.
But when 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi turns into the two - hour - long action symphony it can barely wait to become — a harrowing stretch of shadowy aggressors charging the walls of a compound, bullets pinging off metal, spent ammo casings showering the cement underfoot, endless carnage — this director is completely in his wheelhouse.
Small roles in «Lady Bird» and «Hostiles» aside, Chalamet's name is on everyone's lips for his stunning turn in Luca Guadagnino's symphony of a gay romance.
The app lets gamers play with the game's soundtrack in two different modes: «Legendary Mode» contains three tracks from the game that you can split into six instrumentals, turning them on and off for your own personal remix, and «Creation Mode» allows users to make their own music with five different instruments, six sounds each, that they can share with friends (I expect full symphonies will be made in less than a day).
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