Sentences with phrase «tut when»

I've known onlookers shake their heads and tut when babies cry «too much» or don't want to be held by anyone besides mommy.

Not exact matches

When Ferrari recently said that it was going to quit F1 because it didn't like the 2021 regulations and because it thinks Liberty is turning the sport into «global Nascar», we mostly just tutted and got on with things.
Everyone is talking like it's a surprise that our home form is nervy, when you have home fans who tut, moan, and just wait for stuff to happen this is not a great atmosphere.
The former Gunner isn't renowned for having one of the better footballing opinions, and there are a number of times when I have simply shaken my head at his comments, and today's interview leaves me tutting also...
Keep that in mind when the Jesse Palmers of the world continue to tut - tut Missouri's romp through the first three games of its SEC East slate.
Simply put, you shouldn't take any specific TUT recommendations for granted because they can be waste of time and can cause you to lose focus on what really counts when it comes to building muscle — progressive overload.
When I taught the secret of «TUT» to my friend and MorelliFit trainer, Chris, he was skeptical at first.
Oldest recorded solar eclipse helps date the Egyptian pharaohs Date: October 29, 2017 Source: University of Cambridge Summary: Researchers have pinpointed Just when did Egyptian pharaohs such as King Tut and Rameses II rule?
KING TUT Steve Martin, who plays a pretty mean banjo when he's not cracking up the population, also showed off his singing and dancing skills in this entry in the canon of «SNL» musical sketches.
When your grandfather comes to your school in the first grade, after a trip to Egypt, and shows your class the dried - up face of an unwrapped mummy, it's not surprising that an interest in all - things Tut and tomb would develop.
When King Tut tried to come to Nefertiti's rescue, he was kicked in the hind leg.
For me, Kat Tut is a favourite when it comes to taking on a friend or family relative in a light - hearted game of Peggle, and the individual levels he brings are pretty decent too, focussing on Ancient Egypt.
Every third Thursday, when the museum stays open until midnight, visitors can find storytelling, spoken - word performances, poetry readings, concerts in the galleries, and, in the case of the King Tut exhibition, belly - dancing demonstrations.
I was going to do a piece on this, Simon, when I read about it on Garry Wise's blog, because all the commenters seem to tackle the issue at the tut - tut level.
My husband and I are DIY'ers and when my husband is not creating museum exhibits (King Tut, Michael Jackson, Cleopatra, Lady Diana etc), he is very handy around the house.
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