Sentences with phrase «twisting my body so»

n the first one, she's simply twisting her body so her stomach isn't seen by the camera: «This is the problem with the internet.

Not exact matches

In running, the motion of the arms keeps the athlete's body from twisting on a vertical axis so that they are always facing forward.
Mornings in Bodley, drowsing among the worn browns and tarnished gilding of Duke Humphrey, snuffing the faint, musty odor of slowly perishing leather...; long afternoons, taking an outrigger up the Cher, feeling the rough kiss of the sculls on unaccustomed palms, listening to the rhythmical and satisfying kerklunk of the rowlocks, watching the play of muscles on the Bursar's sturdy shoulders at stroke, as the sharp spring wind flattened the thin silk shirt against them; or, if the day were warmer, flicking swiftly in a canoe under Magdalen walls and so by the twisting race at King's Mill by Mesopotamia to Parson's Pleasure; then back, with mind relaxed and body stretched and vigorous, to make toast by the fire.
So what can we understand, intellectually speaking, of a twisted body hanging from a cross?
I sleeprestlessly, my body so cramped and twisted that I am unable to stretch fulllength.
It's so blatantly obvious to any thinking individual that the AMA only has their panties in a twist because of the financial loss they face as women choose to be more in control of their bodies.
This Leachco body pillow features a U-shaped design and is big enough, so that you can twist and turn all you want in your sleep, the Back n Belly will give you perfect comfort and support in every position.
It might help if you have your partner or a friend place the infant into the carrier so you can avoid inadvertently twisting your body.
I bring a travel yoga mat so that I can stretch, twist, squeeze, and open the body and digestive system daily.
Slightly twist your body to bring your right leg up and over the roller so that your inner thigh is resting on it, and then turn your upper body back to position.
This sequence focuses on engaging and integrating the whole body in these twists, so as to gain maximal benefit from each pose.
Just as you wouldn't move into a long tongue - twisting mantra without effortlessly mastering a simpler one first, so you should not ask your body for more than it's able to deliver.
Using your forearms as support, slightly twist your body and lift one of your legs off the roller so that just one leg is resting on it.
This is most likely the wrong idea, but because I was so used to my entire body getting a workout from swimming, at the gym, I would work out the entire body as well... from: — seated leg press (90 lbs)-- leg curls (55 lbs)-- hip adductors (85 lbs)-- leg kickbacks (40 lbs)-- ab crunch machine (35 - 40 lbs)-- abdominal twist (30 lbs)-- rowing machine — assisted dips, and the stairmaster all in one session....
Hold the pillow out in front of your chest then twist your upper body so that your outside hand can touch the mattress.
Your lower back is vulnerable when your body twists, so strengthening your obliques helps to support your back.
When using one arm you will also find that your body starts to turn away from the bar so to combat this you need to grip the bar as hard as you can and at the same time twist your hand towards you which helps to bring your body back in.
We are most vulnerable to injury when our body twists or rotates, so by including twisting, rotational, and lifting movements in your workout you can prepare your body for everyday activities or athletic activities.
Your body ultimately becomes out - of - balance; you get torqued or twisted a little, so to speak, as postural changes affect your gait, balance, and function.
Best weight system: Torque Fitness F7 Fold Away Strength Trainer ($ 3,598 with bench / $ 3,199 without) This sleek, space - conscious gym folds into itself and is set up so the exercises mimic the way your body moves in everyday motions like bending and twisting, lifting and rotating.
While Jeff Chang's disapproving father lurks in the weeds to assure he makes it through the night's fermented activities, it might strike you as odd that this 21 - year - old guy's body can be an unconsciously limp fish for so long and through so many made - by - Hollywood twists and turns.
The screenplay for this 1985 feature is so riddled with character inconsistencies and unmotivated behavior that it plays like science fiction: the unsuspected presence of body - snatching aliens is the only conceivable explanation for the bizarre twists of psychology the film proposes.
Michael B. Jordan's Erik «Killmonger» Stevens at first appears as a secondary villain to Klaue, so when he kills Klaue and brings his body to Wakanda as an offering to gain access, it is a great twist and a good way to show that Killmonger is willing to do anything and go to any lengths.
Even when the stomach decompresses by stomach tube (without surgery), experts recommend gastropexy surgery, which fixes the stomach to the body wall so it can't twist.
So needless to say, having to twist my entire body in ways I wasn't aware I could move to place the Hookshot on target was a bit frustrating.
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