Sentences with phrase «twisting plot revelations»

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On this occasion plot revelations and twists in carry historical poignancy in a manner that far outweighs the spooky context.
Its story unfolds like a thrilling TV miniseries, right down to the episodic structure that bookends each plot twist and revelation.
One can't help but find Ides of March's various plot twists and character revelations surface - level in their depth.
And the big battle finale, with its numerous revelations and plot twists, takes up maybe a quarter of the film.
Beginning with the first scene's revelation of Walter's nature as a hologram, «Marjorie Prime» contains a steadily accumulating stream of ingenious plot twists, sometimes very subtle or subtly revealed.
Timing is everything in this story, and Silvera structures his novel beautifully, utilizing careful revelations from Aaron's past and consciousness to create plot tension and twists that turn the narrative on its ear.
Although I did see one plot twist coming from a mile off, it was still fascinating enough to watch the characters involved struggling through revelation.
«The plot twists and turns around the intricacies of friendship and betrayals, the ironies of people's fantasies, and the unexpected revelations mothers make to daughters.
Zero Dawn's story does have its fair share of plot twists and startling revelations.
While the plot follows an initially predictable path, the writers have placed enough twisted storyline revelations and dark imagery that even jaded RPG fans will be cracking sly smiles.
Director Lisa Cholodenko lauded Chinatown for its late plot twists, citing scenes that emphatically capture the Faye Dunaway character's shock and anguish at a famous revelation.
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