Sentences with phrase «type designers»

These typefaces have been created by professional type designers who have considered the negative space between the shapes of the letters, always with optimum legibility in mind.
- A new portfolio project presented by Center Street Studio by renowned type designer Matthew Carter containing 26 letters of the alphabet, all lower case and etched into copper plates with aquatint and printed with chine collé.
Monotype is a leading custom font development company with the industry's largest staff of type designers and font software engineers.
It was in Italy that the earliest type designers and book printers created many of the letterforms that influence us today.
Since rediscovering Chaparral several months ago while researching an article on type designer Carol Twombly, I decided to try to find the ideal use for this interesting typeface.
Choose fonts which have been designed for maximum legibility; fonts such as Arial, Georgia, Bodoni and Helvetica have all been designed by proper type designers and this is evident in their legibility — even at smaller font sizes.
We will also view works from the archive of the Herb Lubalin Center for Design & Typography and from outstanding professional type designers selected for the Type Director's Club annual exhibition at the Cooper Union.
Glasgow - based design agency O Street has contributed a superb exploration of its designs for Scottish banknotes, and Fontsmith's own Stuart De Rozario delineates how the humble typewriter had a huge impact on the way type designers approached their craft in the wake of new technologies.
Created by Austrian type designer Georg Herold - Wildfellner, Sofa Sans is a new hand - drawn, all - caps, display - family font.
An internationally acclaimed lettering designer with 40 years» experience, Julian Waters studied extensively with legendary calligrapher and type designer Hermann Zapf at RIT, starting in 1979.
I've set out below some examples from the fonts on my own machine, and these are followed by much lovelier examples borrowed from the website of the great type designers, Hoefler & Frere - Jones.
Lucas de Groot, a Dutch type designer, was commissioned by Microsoft to create Calibri to replace Times New Roman as the default font for Office.
Likewise, British type designer Matthew Carter designed this font for clarity on computer monitors.
«Being a type designer and letterpress printer, the first thing I look for is words, so when designing the bumper sticker I instantly wanted to create a phrase that summed up what Folksy is about — independent people making and selling things they love.
Since Guttenburg launched the book printing revolution, type designers have created a wide range of typefaces to improve readability but also to create headline and display type for billboards, flyers and other uses that are designed to get the reader's attention.
Type designers have used this extra capacity for lots of things, mostly to expand the number of accented letters and international symbols available, so Open Type fonts can be used in many languages.
The distinctions are only interesting to type designers, type nerds, and typographers [like book designers].
She has been a point - of - purchase model maker, art teacher, type designer, sculptor, potter and printmaker.
Type designer, lettering practitioner, typography instructor.
He is a graphic designer, a type designer and a teacher of both disciplines.
Now, there's a sense in which this is exactly what the type designer wants: the best fonts should slip below consciousness and simply offer up text as pretty as you please.
The ampersand has going for it that it's a place for the type designer to fool around and get fancy.
Because typefaces live on users» computers, there was until recently no good (speedy, reliable, fair to type designers) way to let website designers fully control your visual experience.
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