Sentences with phrase «type of accident occurs»

This type of accident occurs because the motorist misjudges the speed of the cyclist.
Falling objects are not something we are always looking out for, so when this type of accident occurs it is usually unexpected and often serious.
This type of accident occurs when a vehicle driver attempts to take a right - hand turn, even though the cyclist is on the right - hand side of the vehicle.
At a press briefing, physicist Ken Bergeron explained the type of accident occurring at Fukushima.
When these types of accidents occur one must consider the design of the stairs to determine whether the stairs in question are safe and whether the stairs met the applicable building codes and standards.
No matter what type of accident occurred, if a negligent party is responsible for our client's unwarranted injury, we will make sure that they are held accountable.
When those types of accidents occur, you need to know who to call.
Slip and fall accidents are among the most common types of accidents occurring in Clearwater and elsewhere throughout Florida.

Not exact matches

Many of us have some type of medical policy because if a major accident or illness occurs, the financial cost of a large number of doctor visits or surgeries in a hospital quickly overwhelms our savings.
Remember, an accident can occur on your street as easily as it can on a congested interstate, and a child should always ride in the back seat in the appropriate type of car seat for their age and weight!
The first thing to be appreciated about reactors in the United States is that they are essentially immune to the type of accident that occurred at Chernobyl in April 1986.
Despite the severity of the accident at the Fukushima I plant, nuclear reactor designers don't expect the same type of backlash against the nuclear industry as occurred a generation ago after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
«And the type of accident that is occurring in Japan is known as a station blackout.
The distribution of injury severities in accidents involving a lane change is similar to those which occur across all accident types.
This type of trauma can occur after a fall from a high place (such as out of a window), an automobile accident or a blow to the abdomen.
Worldwide Travel Accident Insurance is a type of coverage that you hope to never need, but it may offer some financial help to you or your loved ones if a tragic accident does occur, up to $ 1,000,000 in compensation.
> Victim blaming occurs when the victim (s) of a crime, an accident, or any type of abusive maltreatment are held entirely or partially responsible for the transgressions committed against them (regardless of whether the victim actually had any responsibility for the incident).
The type of truck accident that occurs depends on numerous factors such as the cause of the crash, the location of the crash, the size of both vehicles, and other details.
These types of accidents may occur even during low speed crashes.
These complications occur not only after football tackles, but also after Kentucky car crashes and other types of personal injury accidents.
Your attorney will not only be well - versed in the types of injuries that can occur in such car accidents, but they will also work hard to ensure that the person who caused the crash will be held responsible so that civil justice may prevail.
If this is the type of law firm you would like to assist you with your own personal injury claim, the accident claims of any of your loved ones or the wrongful death of a spouse or child and the incident occurred anywhere in California, please call us toll free at 866-252-0735 or 323-944-0993.
There are countless different types of car accidents that can occur and a wide range of injuries that you may sustain if you are involved in a collision.
There are many different types of accidents that can occur at the workplace - these vary in nature.
The most common types of ICBC injury claims occur when there is a motor vehicle accident in B.C. between two motor vehicles.
By carefully questioning the drivers, an auto accident attorney experienced in these types of auto accidents can help determine the sequence of the traffic lights when the accident occurred.
Unfortunately, there are various types of accidents that can occur including while walking, including tripping, slip & fall, or even being hit by a vehicle.
Wrongful death can occur as the result of many types of accidents.
These accidents usually involve heights in excess of six feet, and often occur in the construction industry where these types of...
To explore this topic further, Cummings Andrews Mackay researched all available public facing information, primarily through the Alberta Police Report, and compiled a list of some of the most common types of car accidents that occurred within Edmonton and Alberta in 2015.
These types of personal injury accidents typically often occur without warning.
By legal definition, a wrongful death claim can occur in almost any type of accident or as the result of negligence to include:
Lower Extremity When a motorcycle accident occurs, lower extremity damage, including broken bones, is the most common type of injury experienced.
There are numerous types of car accidents that can occur.
San Diego airline accident attorneys handle all types of incidents that have occurred on an airline.
This type of traumatic brain injury may occur as the result of a violent crime, auto accident, or other type of accident.
When any type of motor vehicle accident occurs, Preszler Law is here to help you hold responsible parties accountable.
An accident with a semitruck is unlike any other type of collision that occurs on Indiana's highways and interstates.
While there are numerous types of car accidents that can occur on the busy Houston roadways, there are several that are considered to be the most common.
There are many types of accidents that could potentially lead to a TBI on commercial property, some of which are similar to those that may occur on residential property, like slip and falls.
And while, in our experience these injuries more common in trucking cases, or in cases involving vehicle rollovers, spinal cord injuries can occur in any type of injury accident.
They can also help you pay for expenses that directly occurred because of the accident, compensate you for loss of income or earning ability, or help you pay to be trained for a new type of job if your injuries prevent you from continuing with your existing job.
There is no easy answer to this question because it depends on many factors, such as where the accident occurred, the type of injury, and who caused the accident.
In these types of personal injury cases, there is an accident that occurs on a premises due to the negligence of the premises owner (or operator).
While there are many types of injuries and accidents that can occur in motor vehicle accidents, some of the most common injuries relate to the back, neck, head and brain.
Anyone who drives in California knows that automobile accidents are common and can occur in all types of situations, whether on busy highways, side streets or even parking lots.
Duties of care can vary depending on the specific type of accident that occurred.
A burn injury may occur due to any type of auto accident, or may result from electrocution, hot water, exposure to chemicals or because of an explosion.
One of the most common types of premises liability claims, slip and fall accidents may occur because a property owner is negligent and allows a hazardous condition to exist or persist on the premises, such as a wet floor, missing stair or defective carpeting.
Be it workers compensation or personal injury and wrongful death occurring outside the workplace, such as: car accidents, dram shop actions (where a bar or restaurant serves a customer to the point of legal intoxication), medical malpractice, defective products, construction accidents, premises liability (e.g., slip and falls based on failure to provide a safe place to walk or play), or any other type of preventable injury or death.
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