Sentences with phrase «type of alcohol made»

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These cupcakes may look innocent, but they're made with three different types of alcohol!
This graph represents the history and domestication of yeast used for making beer and other types of alcohol are revealed through genomic and phenotypic analyses.
The researchers tested this curious prediction by studying the splash made by three types of alcohol with different viscosities.
«In both types B and C, alcohol definitely makes the scarring of the liver worse and progress faster,» Dr. Dieterich says.
There are two methods to getting extract from witch hazel bark: 1) as a distillation (commonly found in stores, with some type of alcohol added as a preservative) or 2) as a decoction, similar to this method for making herbal tinctures.
And many «no sugar» sweeteners are made with different types of sugars, such as lactose or alcohols, which turn to glucose in our livers too.
If you are planning on making a switch I would opt for the more natural type of sweetener like dates vs the alcohol based sweeteners.
Dr. Lauer notes that inherent limitations (the accuracy and pattern of alcohol consumption; the fact that the women were from breast cancer screening clinics) are factors in all studies of this type, but the large sample size of the Million Women group makes it unique.
Bellis said that it makes sense that different types of drinks would work differently on the brain and emotions, given how alcohol levels vary.
Make sure they don't always include alcohol — find a variety of activities to meet the needs of many different types of people.
Section 523 (a)(8) does not except from discharge a host of other types of traditional private, credit - based loans couched as «student loans» by for - profit lenders, including loans for K - 12 programs, loans made to students at unaccredited trade schools, loans made for alcohol and drug rehab, and loans made in excess of the «cost of attendance.»
In particular, a finding that the driver was not impaired by alcohol could obviously never be made in relation to a charge of impaired driving causing death but could properly be a mitigating consideration in sentencing for the other type of offence, as here.
The type of alcohol — beer, wine or spirits — made no difference, the researchers reported in the Nov. 19 online issue of Heart.
• Assisted in creating and implementing youth programs to meet the individual requirements of each participant • Engaged participants in conversation to determine what their specific needs are and provided feedback to youth worker • Provided support in determining the need for intervention in issues such as drug and alcohol abuse • Assisted participants in determining the type of services and resources they needed, and arranged for them to be made available • Acted as participants» advocate in front of social services and government departments
Of note, this finding differs from the result of previously published results for other types of adverse outcomes that make use of this cohort and the hierarchical classification of timing of alcohol diagnosiOf note, this finding differs from the result of previously published results for other types of adverse outcomes that make use of this cohort and the hierarchical classification of timing of alcohol diagnosiof previously published results for other types of adverse outcomes that make use of this cohort and the hierarchical classification of timing of alcohol diagnosiof adverse outcomes that make use of this cohort and the hierarchical classification of timing of alcohol diagnosiof this cohort and the hierarchical classification of timing of alcohol diagnosiof timing of alcohol diagnosiof alcohol diagnosis.
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