Sentences with phrase «type of birth defect»

Neural tube defects are actually one of the most common types of birth defects that occur in the United States.
Folic acid is an essential vitamin, however, because adequate levels can prevent a specific type of birth defect known as a neural tube defect.
Amniotic fluid contains fetal cells and chemicals produced by the baby that, when analyzed, can help determine certain types of birth defects.
Up to 70 percent of NTDs can be prevented with adequate preconception intake of folate or folic acid and there is some evidence that other types of birth defects may be prevented too.
According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect, affecting 8 in 1,000 newborns.
These vitamins and minerals help ensure the baby's and mother's health as well as prevent some types of birth defects.
Developmental Specialist The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development reported in 2012 that 1 in every 33 babies are born with some type of birth defect.
In every pregnancy, a woman starts out with a 3 to 5 percent chance of having a baby with some type of birth defect.
Due to advancements in medical technology, babies who do have a type of birth defect can be treated and often lead a normal and happy life.
«Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defects — affecting more than 35,000 newborn babies in the United States each year,» said Dr. Bruneau, who is the associate director of cardiovascular research at Gladstone, an independent and nonprofit biomedical - research organization.
After controlling for other factors, the investigators found no significant increased risk for any type of birth defect among women who took either type of antipsychotic medicine (APM) in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Spina bifida is the most common of this type of birth defect.
Synthetic vitamin A has been shown to cause the type of birth defects that natural vitamin A prevents.
You should consult with a Lincoln birth injury lawyer to learn more about how these types of birth defects qualify as an injury claim.
The CDC keeps records of the rate of each type of birth defect that babies are born with.
Per a 2011 FDA warning, the risk of developing these types of birth defects is significantly greater than if a pregnant mother didn't take the medication.
In addition to the physical trauma, there also may be emotional injuries for a child with this type of birth defect.
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