Sentences with phrase «type of compelling story»

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Great PR can help them care, by providing the media with the types of relevant, newsworthy elements they need to tell a compelling story to their news consumers.
When it comes to what types of images to use, choose crisp, visually - compelling images that tell your brand story.
To Enter: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY: Take Invisalign's Smile Assessment and then leave a comment on the giveaway post telling us about your Invisalign smile assessment results and your most compelling toothy story (what type of issue you have such as gaps / spacing, overbite, deepbite, etc.; why you want to win; and / or how you think it will change your life / confidence, etc.).
As for short stories, many only see publication once they are collected into a publishable anthology; with this type of format, there is no waiting game necessary for putting a compelling short story on the market.
Similar to other types of serious injury cases, burn injury cases are complex and involve extensive resources in order to build and present a compelling story of how a burn has affected a client's life.
That means have a compelling summary that shares your career story, a headline that emphasizes the type of work you do and industry arena (not just your job title), professional experience details, and endorsements for your most savvy business skills.
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