Sentences with phrase «type of consequence»

Use other types of consequences for other problem behaviors.
No matter what type of consequence you choose to use, make sure that it constitutes discipline and not punishment.
When all the adults can use the same language and the same types of consequences, behavior problems are likely to resolve much faster.
There are two types of consequences for action — logical and natural.
I also asked my kids what type of consequence they were expecting if this behavior continued.
Types of consequences include natural consequences, which «follow naturally from an event or situation,» such as if he breaks a toy, then he doesn't get to play with it anymore.
There are two types of consequences for action logical and natural.
This type of consequence is when your child will experience what will happen when he or she isn't behaving.
Dr. MacKenzie describes many different situations where these types of consequences can be effective, including when a child is forgetful, careless, procrastinates, don't cooperate with other kids, don't share, make a mess, don't do chores or homework, or are destructive.
Those types of consequences will be more effective than raising your voice at her.
Another type of consequence that can be effective is the suspension or delay of a privilege.
Leman has a few hints for making these types of consequences work for you and your family.
You can choose any type of consequence you'd like and are comfortable with, but if there is not a consequence, your child will not learn to change their behavior.
If they do listen, there is another type of consequence.
If you follow through, your child will very quickly start to learn and understand that you mean business and that there will be some type of consequence for what they are doing.
There are two types of consequences, and the effects will depend on the type of consequence.
In situations where your teen doesn't seem to be getting the point, it may be helpful to write a contract that lists the types of consequences she can expect for various infractions.
«Basically, the Town Board has passed an ethics law but exempted themselves and their political appointees from any type of consequences,» Heins said.
«The current result suggests we may, in fact, be able to treat male infertility using gene therapy without worrying about those types of consequences
Yeah, there's a sense of conflict here, but there needs to be some type of consequence.
Much of our work involves showing parents exactly how to use this type of consequence.
Another type of consequence that can be effective is the suspension or delay of a privilege.
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