Sentences with phrase «type of disorder among»

Child mental health is everybody's business: the prevalence of contact with public sector services by type of disorder among British school children in a three - year period

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The dozens of «suspect genes» are scattered among various types of the disorder and show up in only a handful of patients.
Gene mutations involved in enamel mineralization through the CRAC channels were first seen in people with a type of severe combined immunodeficiency, a disorder in which — among other symptoms — tooth enamel may fall off the teeth within five or six years after birth, and the dentine becomes exposed.
Among the three types of abuse, psychological maltreatment was most strongly associated with depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, attachment problems and substance abuse.
There were differences in the types of disorders: patients in Paris, for example, had a higher prevalence of anxiety than those in Manchester, while depression was more common among Mancunians than Parisians.
The high prevalence and intensity of opioid use among SSDI recipients parallels the preponderance of musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain — some type of musculoskeletal condition was present in 94 percent of chronic opioid users.
This study examined the prevalence and types of secondhand harm among Canadian undergraduates, and whether certain personality risks for alcohol use disorder — impulsivity, sensation seeking, hopelessness, anxiety sensitivity — can predict secondhand - harm exposure.
Today, Rudensky, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and professor of immunology at Sloan - Kettering Institute in New York City, counts among the world's foremost immunologists for his discoveries on the molecular architecture of a type of immune cell implicated in autoimmune disorders, inflammatory disease, and cancer.
Among the diseases more likely to occur in children with older fathers are achondroplasia (which causes dwarfism), progeria (premature aging), Marfan's syndrome (a connective tissue disorder), a predisposition toward a certain type of skin cancer, and some congenital heart defects.
PKU is caused by a mutation that is located on chromosome 12, although the specific type of mutation may vary, which results in severity that is variable among those with the PKU disorder.
This is very alarming because research has shown many health problems that result from this level of toxic burden including obesity, chronic fatigue, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, infertility, and various hormone imbalances, allergies, behavioral / mood disorders, neurological conditions, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, among many others.
alarming because research has shown many health problems that result from this level of toxic burden including obesity, chronic fatigue, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, infertility, and various hormone imbalances, allergies, behavioral / mood disorders, neurological conditions, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, among many others.
Similarly, there is no clear evidence for Levine's distinctions among different types of attention disorders, which he bases on different symptom patterns.
Among purebred dogs, Shetland Sheepdogs are considered healthy, but they do have a tendency for certain diseases including hip and joint problems, some types of hypothyroidism, inherited bleeding disorder, and eye problems.
It is instructive to trace out the significant associations of type / number of disorders with suicide attempts in the total sample through more proximal outcomes (ie, ideation, plans among ideators, and attempts among ideators with or without a plan).
We also found that significant global interactions between type / number of disorders and plans were predictors of attempts among ideators (χ217 = 65.0, P <.001).
The best evidence for reduction in mental - health conditions among maltreated children is for cognitive - behavioural therapy (CBT) for sexually abused children with post-traumatic stress symptoms.11 Several interventions show promise: some child - focused types of therapy for neglected children including resilient peer treatment, 12 an imaginative play program, 13 multisystemic therapy14 and a day treatment intervention.15 There is also some evidence of the benefits of post-shelter counseling intervention for women exposed to intimate - partner violence, 16,17 child - parent psychotherapy, 18,19 and trauma - focused CBT for children with intimate partner violence - related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.20
S&M used to be considered a psychiatric disorder by psychologists and researchers, but many years of research indicate that there is no evidence of mental disorders among those who enjoy this type of sexual practice.2 Indeed, S&M is very common, with about 1 in 10 adults across multiple surveys reporting fantasizing about or engaging in such behaviors.3 Researchers are also documenting some positive effects of S&M play, such as enhanced adrenaline and endorphin «highs» resulting from the infliction of pain that enhances sexual sensations.3 In Monika's case, however, she longs for more «vanilla» sex without the S&M and is concerned that her boyfriend will only be satisfied if she continues to play the sadist role.
Formerly listed among the personality disorders in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the passive - aggressive personality type has been described by a number of psychologists and psychiatrists, including Karen Horney, Karl Menninger, and Wilhelm Reich (1897 - 1957).
Consequently, some of the elements of BFST (e.g., changing parental beliefs and family structure) that were important to modify dysfunctional patterns of family relationships among adolescents with conduct disorders (Robin & Foster, 1989) may not have been as relevant for adolescents with type 1 diabetes and their families.
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders during childhood and adolescence, with a prevalence of 3 — 5 % in school - age children (6 — 12 years) and 10 — 19 % in adolescents (13 — 18 years); 1, 2 and the prevalence of anxiety disorders in this population tends to increase over time.3 Anxiety is the most common psychological symptom reported by children and adolescents; however, presentation varies with age as younger patients often report undifferentiated anxiety symptoms, for example, muscle tension, headache, stomachache or angry outbursts.4 According to the standard diagnostic systems, there are various types of anxiety disorders, for example, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobias (SOP), social anxiety disorder (SAD), panic disorder (PD), overanxious disorder, separation anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive - compulsive disorder (OCD).5 Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents often occur with a number of comorbidities, such as autism spectrum disorders, 6 depressive disorders, 7 conduct disorder, 8 substance abuse9 or suicide - related behaviour.10 Youths with anxiety disorders experience serious impairment in social functioning (eg, poor school achievement; relational problems with family members and peers).11, 12 Childhood and adolescent anxiety disorders can persist despite treatment, 1 and they are associated with later adult psychopathology.13, 14
For example, while irritability and aggressiveness can indicate bipolar disorder, they also can be symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, or other types of mental disorders more common among adults such as major depression or schizophrenia.
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