Sentences with phrase «type of evidence»

(h) The following are examples of types of evidence an employee could present to support an assertion of a legitimate medical explanation for a substituted result.
With today's technology, there are many other types of evidence for evolution.
This is why it is critical for your legal team to have many types of evidence for your commercial truck accident case.
The court will accept lots of different types of evidence that your ex has had the petition even if they have not returned the necessary form to say so.
The trial judge, sitting alone, like the preliminary inquiry judge, is presumed to be alive to the dangers of certain types of evidence, particularly identification evidence.
The problem is that when a religion gets in the way people lose objectivity in weighing the value of various types of evidence.
Then we'll relate those values to other types of evidence from the period.
For those with the time and the background to read them, these are perhaps the most convincing type of evidence.
A fourth type of evidence derives from studies of leadership effects on student engagement, as distinct from effects on student learning.
For me, therefore, Music and The Mind comes across as a rather partial and incomplete coverage, both in terms of the range of music covered and types of evidence put forward.
Finally, a third and even more direct type of evidence occurs when the members of a professional teaching community talk explicitly about their respective obligations and expectations.
A third type of evidence derives from studies (also large - scale and quantitative) focused on the effects of specific leadership practices.
Don't forget to use multiple types of evidence carefully when writing a persuasive essay.
In a medical malpractice case, one of the most valuable types of evidence is that of opinions of experts.
Every different type of injury will require you to present different types of evidence to successfully bring your claim.
I know what type of evidence a reasonable jury would listen to.
It did not control the admission of other types of evidence that may be described as expert evidence.
He knows that certain types of evidence are more persuasive in certain cases.
For those with the time and the background to read them, these are perhaps the most convincing type of evidence.
Dr. Lorraine McDonnell, University of California, Santa Barbara, will discuss how research was integrated with other types of evidence in developing the Common Core, and what the CCSS experience suggests for how research might be more effectively used in policy deliberations.
The following are some of the various types of evidence which can be collected at the scene of a trucking accident:
Here are just a few common types of evidence used to prove injury cases:
Ultimately, the decision may be a matter of scientific taste, says GSI's Düllmann: «In the end it boils down to which [type of evidence] does IUPAC like best?»
«Several types of evidence indicate that exercise causes substantial changes in protein metabolism.
This digital tool references a Mathematica report entitled «Understanding Types of Evidence: A Guide for Educators» that dissects different types of reports in order to help educators understand which product claims are actually supported by research and which are merely speculative, potentially misleading, or mainly for marketing purposes.
On the BBC's File on Four radio show last week, Ofsted's national director for schools, Sean Harford, also reiterated that inspectors did not expect to see particular types of evidence about teacher feedback.
However, other types of evidence suggest a dopaminergic basis for amphetamine - induced psychosis.
Because of this, personal injury cases filed after a semi-truck crash are generally different than simple car accidents as they normally involve unique types of evidence.
This certificate can be applied for in person with a VA approved lender, online, or by mail, and in order to apply for this certificate a person must submit different types of evidence depending on their category of service or application.
So it is inappropriate to ask us for specific interventionist type of evidence.
We are seeing some small steps in this direction, but our courts still have a long way to go to better ensure that innocent people are not punished because of flaws in this very influential type of evidence.
In April a team of geologists at the University of Bergen in Norway proposed a new type of evidence: microscopic tubules 3.5 billion years old.
«People have been making all kinds of claims, but there hasn't been any smoking - gun type of evidence that such a cascade exists.
That kind of evidence is superior to epidemiological type of evidence, which is exemplified in «The China Study».
While scholars and advocates can and do pore over less - definitive types of evidence, hundreds of thousands of parents make practical schooling decisions based on information they gather through word of mouth, campus visits, and the rankings available on online platforms such as GreatSchools.
Barron and Darling - Hammond (2008) recommend presenting students with wide - ranging types of evidence (books, lectures, films, field trips) representing different perspectives and providing sufficient time for investigating, applying, discussing, sharing, and revising their conclusions.
«With a system in place to differentiate formative from summative data, categories for types of evidence become less useful while categories that indicate the learning represented become more useful» (Chappuis et al., 2012, p. 312).
One of the strongest types of evidence is the case - crossover experimental design, which the wind industry has unwittingly imposed for years on multiple families, many of whom have abandoned their homes to escape IWT noise exposure.
While we can not be certain that the results presented here provide clear support for the CSI Effect, both the data and my conversations with the juries following trial suggest that questions about the amount and type of evidence collected regularly arise while the jurors are deliberating.
An experienced truck accident lawyer will be familiar with what it takes to win your case, including gathering the right types of evidence, working with expert witnesses from the commercial trucking industry, and establishing that the truck driver is legally at fault for the accident.
Expert testimony is part of nearly every personal injury case and is one of the most important types of evidence.
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