Sentences with phrase «type of exercise someone do»

I hope this will work and my other question is what type of exercises do you do.
Hi lovely, yes resistance exercises can slow down the slimming so you just need to be careful about which type of exercises you do.
The more type of exercises you do, the better you «attack» your midsection.
How long do you think it will take to slim it down and wha type of exercises do you suggest?
But by letting it be one of a few types of exercise you do each week, you have a better shot at meeting your health and fitness goals and getting the most out of your practice.
Meanwhile, the older adults who exercised showed small improvements in cognitive function no matter what type of exercise they did.
But it's not just how active you are — the type of exercise you do also matters.
Current recommendations say to aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise every day to reap the benefits, but if you are truly enjoying the type of exercise you do, chances are you'll far exceed that.
The main thing that will make your legs bulky or not are the type of exercises you do.
It has a lot to do with hormones, the foods we choose to eat, as well as the type of exercise we do.
What type of exercise do you currently do?
We did this one four days during our two weeks and changed the types of exercises we did each time.
You may also want to try carb backloading if you are very active but that depends on what type of exercise you do.
What type of exercise do you want to do?
As with most things in fitness, it's going to depend on your goals and the type of exercise you do.
What type of exercise you do is up to you, a combination of some resistance training to maintain muscle mass and some aerobic exercise to get your heart working harder and pumping some oxygen full blood around the body is probably the best advice, but keep in mind anything from gardening to dancing is better than no exercise at all.
No matter what type of exercise you do, your muscles always need two key macronutrients: carbs and protein.
I go into this in much more detail in the manual, but basically this all comes back to the aspects of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), how much lean muscle tissue you have, the hormonal response in your body to the types of exercise you do, and the residual calorie burn (afterburn effect) in the hours and days following your workouts.
Yet, the type of exercise you do isn't the only factor that can trigger a stress response to exercise, as I'm about to show you.
What type of exercise you do.
The factors which determine how much we need of a nutrient, and if we can absorb it include; our genetics, our unique stresses, the type of work we do, the types of exercise we do, our diets, and our individual physiology.
The law of adaptation is as so; you introduce a stimulus to the body and the body will adapt to overcome that stimulus, which is why we always vary the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercises we do.
Hi Becca, it would be better to do other leg exercises that use your entire body such as squats, burpees etc, (rather than machines) but just keep in mind that these type of exercises do build some muscle but are also great for leaning out your entire body.
That being said, today at the age of 29, I find that no matter what type of exercise I do (cardio, weight training, circuits) that my legs always bulk up.
And the type of exercise you do affects your hormone profile.
What type of exercise does this breed require.
One of the first questions that is asked when you call us for behaviors like tearing up the house, chewing, digging, reactivity, escaping and many others is, «How much and what type of exercise does your dog get?»
What type of exercise do you want to engage in to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
As this type of exercise does with other relationships, it may also help to identify what you have in common with your coworkers in terms of your goals, values, and what you find meaningful in life.
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