Sentences with phrase «type of fiber causes»

If a certain type of fiber causes symptoms at the start, switch to a different source and see if the symptoms recur.

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Psyllium husk, a type of soluble fiber, can cause bloating, flatulence or increased belching.
Michele Carbone, senior author on the study, states «further research is needed, including epidemiological, geological, mineralogical and health - based personal exposure studies in order to characterize the residential and occupational history of the malignant mesothelioma cases we studied, to highlight the highest risk areas within Clark and Nye counties, to identify the type of fibrous minerals and their precise distribution throughout Nevada, and to identify the activities responsible for the release of fibers in the air, which may be the cause of some of the malignant mesothelioma in this region.»
This type of training causes damage to the muscle fibers, instead of inducing cell fatigue.
This type of fiber is a more common cause of gas and bloating» — Livestrong
The key to triggering new muscle growth and all - over size is to work both types of muscle fibers hard enough to cause them both to break down and rebuild.
Although genetic predisposition plays a role in PCOS, the diet and lifestyle factors that cause insulin resistance (high blood sugar) and type 2 diabetes also cause PCOS: a diet high in sugars and processed carbohydrates, lack of plant fiber, overeating, and lack of exercise.
Although training may play a role in causing fiber type shifts, there is likely a large genetic component in the determination of fiber type (possibly including the ACTN3 R allele).
Strength training in untrained subjects can cause an increase in all of the main muscle fiber type areas (type I, type IIA and type IIX).
A meal higher in starch / sugar type (bread, pasta, root veggies like sweet potato, all grains and of course, sugar) carbohydrates will cause a bigger insulin surge than a meal higher in protein and fiber.
The effect of load on fiber type adaptations is unclear, but it seems unlikely that heavy loads cause greater gains in type II fiber area or that light loads cause greater gains in type I fiber area.
Strength training with heavy loads tends to cause a greater increase in the fiber type of all fiber areas compared with light loads, which is broadly in line with the (non-significant) findings of the systematic review and meta - analysis performed by Schoenfeld et al. (2014).
The key to encourage new muscle growth is to work both types of muscle fiber hard enough to cause them both to break down and rebuild.
It's not about the amount of fiber you consume that is causing the problems — it's the type, purity and form.
However, in this study, heavy training and light training both caused similar amounts of Type 1 fiber growth, and in this study, light training to failure didn't cause any Type 1 fiber growth at all, while heavier training did.
And it seems very unlikely that these are caused by changes in muscle size, architecture, or aspects of the muscle fiber itself, such as fiber type or myofilament packing density.
Creatine is effective at improving high intensity efforts that are less than 30 seconds in duration because at this intensity, fatigue is caused by an inability of Type II fibers to maintain the high rate of ATP resynthesis that is required to maintain a high power output.
A study out of Boston revealed that doing exercise that recruited more type 2 fibers also improved insulin sensitivity and caused reductions in blood glucose, insulin, and leptin levels — all beneficial for fat loss — and that these effects occurred despite a reduction in physical activity.
Anabolic steroids cause muscle hypertrophy of both types (I and II) of muscle fibers caused likely by an increased synthesis of muscle proteins and are accompanied with undesired side effects including hepatotoxicity, gynecomastia, acne, the early onset of male pattern baldness and a decline in the body's own testosterone production, which can cause testicular atrophy.
The type of fabric the stool is covered in is probably causing the fibers to be lifted.
Beet pulp is a type of moderately fermentable fiber that helps promote a healthy digestive system for your furry friend without causing excess gas or other tummy upset, recommends the ASPCA.
This type of cancer type is most often caused by exposure to asbestos fibers, typically for many years.
Paralysis can occur as a result of any type of injury that causes damage to the nerve fibers that transmit impulses from the brain out to the limbs and the organs of the body.
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