Sentences with phrase «type of inquiry»

Depending on what type of inquiry you have, there may be a fee for using the call center.
However, in order to serve our clients well we need to engage in a different type of inquiry in order to find out what really matters.
Certain types of inquiries may affect your score calculation, specifically those that are related to active credit seeking (such as applying for a new loan or credit card).
There are two main types of inquiries: hard and soft.
The other type of inquiry is called a soft inquiry.
The tribunal has been given a broad power to conduct a new type of inquiry referred to as a native title application inquiry.
Plus, you can also create short blog posts or video demos to respond to the most popular types of inquiries.
This second type of inquiry is highly confidential and is not available to other organizations that may offer you credit.
If we can be frank, hard inquiries are the biggest concern and most important type of inquiries to pay attention to.
I already wrote a post about open shelves last year, but I still get the same types of inquiries.
Each bank, credit union, or cable provider will behave differently, so it's difficult to predict what type of inquiry, if any, will occur.
It's a different type of inquiry the credit bureaus call a «soft inquiry» and it's never counted against you.
Any interest rate being charged, certain types of inquiries, and any information that doesn't relate to future credit performance are also not included.
And how we manage all of those other types of inquiries are just as important as how we answer the phone.
Socrates framed this as a cooperative type of inquiry — now known as the Socratic method — in which an inquirer asks questions of his or her critics in order to pinpoint weaknesses or hidden assumptions in a belief system.
Determines type of inquiry, documenting issue into CRM database, assigning each issue by functional area (Ops, Clinical, and CSR) for investigation, resolution, and follow - up.
The question of what type of inquiry would look into the scandal was fought out earlier at prime minister's questions with Labour pushing for a judge - led approach and the government a parliamentary inquiry.
With an understanding of what inquiries are, we can begin exploring the two different types of inquiries that you can expect to see on a credit report:
Before addressing your questions concerning score impacts from multiple credit checks and declined rental applications, let's first sort out some of the differences between the two main types of inquiries — hard and soft — and how each can influence your credit score.
It has also been given broad powers to conduct a new type of inquiry (in addition to the tribunal's inquiry power under Section 137 of the Native Title Act).
«These types of inquiries appear to be harassment solely for political reasons.»
«Prior to our CEO voluntarily resigning to serve our country, we never had any type of inquiries,» Taylor said in an email.
It depends on the type of inquiry — or «pull,» in industry lingo.
This type of inquiry will affect your credit score.
More importantly, it also matters that type of inquiries that occurred.
At some point during the early Upanishadic period the objective and subjective quests for unity tended to draw together Often both types of inquiry are presented in the same passage or narrative (Chan.
Constructive postmodernists affirm the importance of metaphysics, a type of inquiry that has been rejected both by late modernists and by deconstructive postmodernists.
We accept that some elements of the inquiry could have been carried out differently, and lessons learned from this have already been factored into how we conduct this type of inquiry both now and in the future.»
These types of inquiries are out of mindbodygreen's scope.
Research has shown that these types of inquiry activities — where students are asked to analyze a piece of concrete data such as a picture or an object in order to generate ideas for writing — are an effective instructional practice for improving the writing of adolescent learners.
Let your students and teachers make you proud by supporting these types of inquiry - based experiences.
In an inquiry classroom, regardless of the type of inquiry, the main difference is probably the role of the teacher and the role of the learner.
This type of inquiry is the professional dialogue that creates a sense of confidence in students, teachers, and the public.
The app smash possibilities for this type of inquiry project are huge!
This type of inquiry is initiated by the lender, and is often referred to as a «soft inquiry.».
Keep in mind that there are two types of inquiries, hard and soft inquiries.
It's best to avoid either of these types of inquiries, as they can not help your score.
There are two types of inquiries.
It depends on the type of inquiry — or «pull,» in industry lingo.
This type of inquiry is more important as it may impact your credit score.
These types of inquiries include:
Also, FICO ignores these types of inquiries:
Both types of inquiry will be recorded on a consumer's credit report.
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