Sentences with phrase «type of legislation»

Offer up other type of legislation as an alternative to BSL (breed - specific legislation), such as breeder / breeding restrictions, anti-tethering laws (does the name Tammy Grimes ring a bell?
«We need to appeal to a broader audience so we can get it passed and prevent the abuses that I think the voters expect it will prevent,» Drake said, adding that Mayo's proposal «was really a reactive type of legislation
At the second panel of NAESP's Federal Relations Conference, which discussed state perspectives on ESEA's reauthorization, one attendee summed up the frustration felt by many school principals across the country when he told the panelists that no matter what type of legislation Congress passes, funding never seems to reach the building level where it is needed the most.
Now, California is poised to pass the same type of legislation for the entire state.
Obama will not seek any type of legislation on this matter, it is just his opinion but Mittens everyone will be out of social security, no medicare, medicaid, no planned parenthood, no abortions, no social programs, cut the amount of unemployment you can receive, give bigger tax breaks for the rich, give companies even more incentives to ship jobs out of the country and the list goes on.
I do not deny the right of the states to create this type of legislation; better there than through federal law or mandate.
I did a bit of reading on the subject, and one of the interesting things I learned was that countries who brought in this type of legislation decades ago are now seeing a lower incidence of violent crime that appears to correspond to the change in the laws.
Is there any way we can get a guarantee from Labour that there'll be no more of this type of legislation once back in?
I know that other states now are also rethinking those positions because there has been such a strong national outcry against this type of legislation as being discriminatory, so we will take a look at it,» Brown told News 4.
You have an amendment where you would control the bureaucracy, and the regulations that they issue coming out of these types of legislation.
It is simply impossible to really enforce the type of legislation Cameron is arguing for in an even - handed way, unless we turn Britain into a police state where only a narrow centrist political consensus is tolerated.
His grandmother lived with a disability, as well as his father (at the end of his life), He sees disability access as a basic civil right and pledged to work aggressively in support of this type of legislation if elected.
«It's safe to say that most Republican legislators want to see some type of legislation on this,» said Matt Richter, the press secretary for the Republican Caucus, adding that it's likely some will vote in favor of the bill when it's finalized.
This type of legislation is called an interstate compact.
But Greenberg argues that Hannon has done nothing in the past decade to push any type of legislation to address the issue.
In response to community efforts elsewhere to curb the sale of tobacco products at pharmacy retailers, tobacco industry defenders and retailers have said this type of legislation provides some retailers an unfair advantage over others, hurts businesses who are selling legal products, and unnecessarily inconveniences consumers.
It would be hard to fathom support for this type of legislation that willfully discriminates against the neediest of students.
Although this type of legislation has been attempted several times before, this bill has broad bipartisan support.
This type of legislation has been proved, repeatedly, not to work as intended.
«Breed - specific» legislation is yet another type of legislation that sounds good but actually does nothing.
The genesis of this type of legislation is the idea that prohibiting the presence of certain dog breeds considered «dangerous» or «aggressive» will reduce the incidence of dog attacks.
Luckily, however, this type of legislation is on the wane throughout the U.S., as more and more people are beginning to understand that it is not a dog's breed that defines whether or not they will grow up to become violent, but the quality of love, care, training, and socialization they receive in their early years.
Two great sources of information on how to battle this type of legislation are the NAIA (National Animal Interest Alliance) and the American Kennel Club.
Although the effectiveness of this type of legislation continues to be hotly debated, recent scientific studies comparing bites to humans before and after BSL have shown that the rates remained the same after legislation was enacted.
The history of this type of legislation in Wisconsin is tumultuous.
This type of legislation grants credibility to TNR, promotes community involvement, and encourages community cat caregiver cooperation.
This type of legislation could embrace proactive elements, such as preventing excessive liability coverage, as was proposed in House Bill 2852 during the 2009 session of the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
For members of the pet industry, the biggest benefit of this type of legislation would be the potential increase in pet ownership.
I feel that all too often people read about an incident in the newspaper, and are quick to react with some type of legislation in response to the incident without taking the time to understand what it is that leads dogs to be aggressive in the first place.
The Model Act drafted by Philip Sutton, the 40 - page «Climate Emergency (Restructuring & Mobilisation) Act», is an example of the type of legislation that would be required in order to declare a Climate Emergency and establish the mechanisms necessary for an orderly and effective restructuring of the economy.
Of course whether or not this type of legislation is in the pipeline is a big unknown.
This type of legislation, such as a carbon tax or policies to encourage more sustainable energy sources, could be costly to established industry.
This type of legislation would primarily affect law - abiding gun owners.
The type of legislation that would affect activities outside of a state's geographic boundaries fall under the concept of «long - arm jurisdiction».
The sources usually give insufficient information — no specific jurisdiction (national / federal, state / province, city), type of legislation, date.
As such, this type of legislation gives the non-member employee the option of paying union dues (or not).
Supporters of this type of legislation believe that it makes the market more competitive and brings greater investment into the state.
This section, while not an entire apology act, has the same effect as the other provinces with this type of legislation.
There are three types of legislation that govern in this area:
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