Sentences with phrase «type of milk called»

Their mother secretes a specific type of milk called colostrum for the first day or two after giving birth.

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This is precisely the type of cooking that comes naturally to Coquine chef Katy Millard, who serves a juicy roast chicken family - style and prepares rustic craveable pastas, like curlicues called girella, coated with milk - braised pork ragù and topped with bits of crunchy fried sunchoke.
There is one type of jaundice that is called breast milk jaundice, because it occurs in healthy, breastfed babies.
In fact, there are two types of proteins found in human milk, called «whey proteins», and «casein proteins».
To test their theory, they decided to do another study and look at the link between baby formula that had whole cow milk proteins and formula that had pre-digested cow milk proteins, a type of baby formula called hydrolyzed formula.
The antibodies that make up the vast majority of the antibodies in the milk are of the type called secretory IgA.
A type of hormone called Prolactin is responsible for your milk production, as well as your appetite.
There are different types of anesthesia, and while the majority are considered compatible with breastfeeding once Mom is alert, to obtain the most accurate information would be to identify the specific drug that will be used and check its compatibility in a publication called Medication and Mother's Milk by Thomas W. Hale, Ph.D..
Three types of colon cancer cells grew faster, producing about 50 to 60 percent more cells within 24 hours, with the bacteria than they did when cultured with no bacteria or with a harmless, milk - fermenting bacterium called Lactococcus lactis.
A gene in your DNA codes for an enzyme (type of protein that speeds up a chemical reaction) that allows you to break down a specific amino acid called phenylalanine found in milk.
This type of breast cancer begins in the milk - producing glands, called lobules.
All types of mammal milk, including cow's milk and human milk, also contain another type of casein called kappa casein, but kappa casein comes in two very different forms — a «ruminant» form (for animals with more than one stomach, like cows) and a «non-ruminant» form (for animals with only one stomach, like humans).
Second, add «fermentable fibers» to your diet, which are also called prebiotics (sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.) and eat a lot of fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and certain types of yogurt (but most yogurts found in your grocery store are simply milk with sugar and are NOT healthy) You can also supplement with probiotics, but make sure to start slow and build up.
The meat and milk from grass - fed ruminants are the richest known source of another type of good fat called «conjugated linoleic acid» or CLA.
«Los Angeles Times» researcher Elena Conis writes that the type of fats in coconut milk, called medium - chain fatty acids, or MCFAs for short, are not scientifically proven to be better for the heart than any other type of saturated fat.
There are typically four basic types of casein proteins found in cow's milk, and they are often found floating around throughout the milk in small clusters called micelles.
Call your veterinarian and describe the type of chocolate he or she might of ate (dark, unsweetened, milk chocolate, semi-sweet), the amount and the time.
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