Sentences with phrase «type of pain relief»

Are multiple types of pain relief used depending on the procedure and the individual patient?
What type of pain relief would you like to have available?
Certain types of pain relief may reduce the swelling, it's important to ensure any medication your take is compatible with breastfeeding and any other medication you are taking.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) or other types of pain relief prescribed by your vet can markedly improve your pet's quality of life.
Doing your research on the various types of pain relief and facilities offered by your hospital is also really important (there's no point in writing that you want a water birth if the hospital you will be using has no tub or birth pool on offer!).
Hospital or birthing centers can offer other, natural types of pain relief.
This is a person who is professional labor support, someone who is trained to help women and their families stay more comfortable in labor, no matter what type of pain relief methods you plan to use.
Some potential covariates were excluded from the modelling despite being associated with PPH: mode of delivery, type of health professional attending delivery, type of pain relief used in labour and augmentation of labour.
There are TENS units made specifically for birth, but many are used by physical therapists for other types of pain relief.
This includes every type of pain relief from relaxation and movement to IV pain medications and epidurals.
This would include everything from the type of pain relief desired - or not desired - all the way to enemas and fetal monitoring.
Other times it was the doctor who providing this type of pain relief.
Choice 3: «What makes B attractive is all types of pain relief but also being in control, the midwife working with me, and being in control of decisions»;
The DCE established that women set clear priorities, preferring all types of pain relief to be available to them at all times, individualised care, midwives working in partnership with them, and the presence of a consultant for emergencies only.
Having access to all types of pain relief all the time had the greatest influence on which scenario women chose, hence this was the most important attribute identified by respondents.
A chi - square test indicated that there is a statistically significant association between the type of care and type of pain relief used.
We are no longer having to give teething tablets or any type of pain relief.
Some type of pain relief was used in about 20 % of the painful procedures; they included giving the baby a sugar solution to drink, a pacifier to suck on, or both.
This type of pain relief provides a steady level of medication throughout the recovery period, rather than having a pill or shot that wears off before the next dose.
The type of pain relief necessary varies from one patient to another, with some dogs doing well on pretty mild pain relievers, such as aspirin, and other dogs requiring other more potent pain relievers such as etodolac (Etogesic Rx), carprofen (Rimadyl Rx) or hydrocodone / codeine (Vicodin Rx, Tylenol 3 Rx).
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