Sentences with phrase «type of plastic»

A classification system has been developed to identify the most common types of plastic used in household products.
While there are many different types of plastics with various levels of impact, let's just talk on a broad scale.
We also design and manufacture certain types of plastic packaging.
The company also sells the 20 different sizes and configurations of two types of plastic bottles it manufactures for its own production.
The pellets are shipped from the manufacturing site to different plants where they are used in production of various types of plastic goods.
These birds have extremely strong bills and can easily chew through many types of plastic, so it is important to be sure the container can withstand this chewing.
He also believes all soft drink manufacturers should use the same type of plastic, PET for example, and every architect and designer should at least once visit a recycling plant.
There are many more types of plastic available now, all of which are produced in unique ways to fill assorted purposes.
These are two types of plastic issued by banks with crucial differences in spending limits and payment terms that consumers need to understand before picking one over the other.
If you can choose the best type of plastic used, plastic baby bottles can still become the best bottles for breastfed babies.
There are also a number of different types of plastics that can not be processed at local recycling centers.
Check to see what types of plastic are accepted for recycling in your community.
No one needs six credit cards, but one may not be enough as some retailers reject certain types of plastic.
These are two types of plastic issued by banks with crucial differences in spending limits and payment terms that consumers need to understand before picking one over the other.
Plastic baubles are usually made from types of plastic not widely collected yet in the UK and are likely to be covered with glitter which would impact on the recycling process.
include other types of beverage containers like juice pouches, juice boxes, yogurt cups, or any other type of plastic bag or plastic container.
Ninety - four percent of people living in the U.S. have access to plastic bottle recycling; 40 percent can recycle other types of plastic containers as well.
The recycling system has different settings to handle different types of plastic waste — currently just ABS and PLA plastic — though the designers say configurations for new kinds of plastic will be able to be downloaded over the Internet.
Now, the Mexico - based company is up to 25 materials, including types of plastic not recyclable in most of the U.S., and
Now, the Mexico - based company is up to 25 materials, including types of plastic not recyclable in most of the U.S., and more than 500 tons a month.
But this suggests that Megan is onto something - people can force cities to change their recycling policy but continually putting the wrong types of plastic into the recycling.
Bioplastics are a new type of plastic made from plants.
The presentation consists respectively of a series of images made from semitransparent pieces of tint foil mounted on sheets of glass, a selection of inkjet prints based on digital scans of the same type of plastic film and three shaped aluminium panels scaled according to the Scandinavian research organisation SINTEF's estimates for the dimensions and spatial requirements of the human body.
With a little luck, researchers have happened upon an engineered enzyme with an appetite for some of the most commonly disposed of types of plastic, meaning this waste could conceivably be broken down relatively quickly rather than contaminating the environment for hundreds of years.
Environmentalists also expressed disappointment with Cuomo's proposal, noting it exempts several types of plastic bags and does not impose a fee on paper bags to encourage the use of reusable bags.
There are currently huge investments being made in Britain into plastics recycling technology to help our domestic recycling facilities cope with the variety of plastics in use and it won't be long before we operate a more efficient recycling system for all different types of plastic packaging.
The development of a new additive that helps meld incompatible types of plastic together, which holds important implications for recycling, has won the 2017 AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize.
The development of a new additive that helps meld incompatible types of plastic together, which holds important implications for recycling, has won the 2017 Newcomb Cleveland Prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
No matter which type of plastic you choose, it's important for parents to check in frequently with their college kids to see how they are doing with budgeting and spending, especially during that first year away from home.
As the mycelium grows, it solidifies into a mass, becoming one of Ecovative's patented Mushroom Packaging products, which can replace most types of plastic foam and are currently used by customers to package everything from electronics to furniture.
I work at a medical center and there are how many of those Lance Armstrong type of plastic wrist bands that folks feel that we should be wearing because «we care»?
Baby bottles used to be produced almost exclusively of popular and affordable types of plastic.
Polyacetal Resin Snaps are made from a stronger, more durable type of plastic.
However based on requirements custom length necklaces can be made too; - To maximize safety of our necklaces all beads are knotted in between each other and also two types of plastic clasps can be chosen (Screw or POP).
To find out how this happens, researchers strapped mesh bags full of three types of plastic beads to buoys off the California coast.
The resulting diffraction patterns, collected by an array of detectors, show the material undergoes a particular type of plastic deformation called twinning.
The report's «Top 10» list of recommended actions includes a new international treaty with strong monitoring and enforcement mechanisms; domestic and local regulatory actions, such as bans of the most common and damaging types of plastic litter; extended producer - responsibility programs; and the creation of an «ocean friendly» certification program for plastic products.
The bags are made out of # 7 plastic, a catchall category typically containing mixed types of plastic («polycarbonate»), combined for various practical reasons.
Polyethylene is one of the most popular and, unfortunately, persistent types of plastics.
The most common type of plastic shopping bag — the kind you get at supermarkets — is made of polyethylene, a man - made polymer that microorganisms don't recognize as food.
Their trays are a very soft, rubbery type of plastic that will not harden and break off and they are in fact quite comfortable!
«From the driver's seat, you see nicely sculpted shapes and three different types of plastic finish.
Most of the SL's body panels are made from a rust - and dent - resistant type of plastic.
The «microchip» is actually a tiny transponder encased in a special type of plastic or surgical glass, which is easily implanted at your veterinarian's office.
Poly Pet Tubs uses high - density polyethylene (HDPE)-- a very strong, waterproof, lightweight type of plastic — to manufacture their tubs.
The 1960s also witnessed a wholly new type of plastic art known as Land Art (Earthworks, or Environmental art), practised by plastic artists like Robert Smithson (1938 - 73), and Andy Goldsworthy (b. 1956).
Although recycling can help reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, waterways and ecosystems, only a few types of plastics can be recycled by most municipal governments.
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