Sentences with phrase «type of proposal»

Just as with other types of writing in business, there are a few different types of proposal writing.
At the end of the day this is just a plain, realistic type of proposal.
In certain types of proposals, broader impacts tend to take up even more space.
However, what they may not know is that sheets outlining bio writing tips for one type of application may not work for other types of proposals.
The Trustee will examine your particular financial situation and provide advice on the specific type of proposal that is the best course of action.
This means that your insolvency practitioner will take it into account when deciding what type of a proposal to make to your creditors.
A request for a raise or promotion is one of the most straightforward types of proposals.
Proposal writing can be very specialized and challenging and there are many different types of proposals.
Division 49 welcomes submissions of the following types of proposals: papers, posters, symposia, conversation hours, and skill building sessions.
And it's — again, we're oversimplifying because there are different types of proposals but generally speaking it's majority rules.
Now Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to pump more funds into the subway, albeit with a type of proposal that previously failed: congestion pricing.
Oddo said that the goal of his office's proposal is to show consultants the types of proposals they're looking for when the study gets released in the summer.
Not only is it irresponsible to issue such verdicts before all the facts are known, but these types of proposals only exacerbate the challenges in the Middle East.
There are two types of proposals to consider: 45 - minute Special Interest Sessions and two - hour Interactive Courses.
The key element of this type of proposal will be details of the proposed change and the benefit to the organization.
In this type of proposal, the payments start at a higher monthly amount and decrease over time.
This type of proposal is often used by people who expect a much higher income in the future, such as those just starting new jobs.
This type of proposal is often used by seasonal workers — people in the construction industry are a good example of folks who can benefit from this type of proposal as they generally have higher incomes in the warmer months.
In this type of proposal it is important not to assume your income will increase or hope that you will get a better paying job, as you do not want to default on your consumer proposal as that creates other ramifications.
The good thing with this type of proposal is that you will not be putting a lot of pressure on your partner.
As it is, you're able to use the current price increase as a justification for the types of proposals you've long endorsed, and the price expectations of the public are already much higher than anything you would have proposed in your wildest dreams just 3 years ago.
At a recent conference, Lisa Speer of the Natural Resources Defense Council noted: «These types of proposals are multiplying around the world, and there is no structure in place to evaluate if any of them work.
It is time for a consistent package of assessment laws and policies to apply to all types of proposals, and one responsible authority to ensure that environmental assessment is truly used as a planning tool.
What are the differences between the types of proposals or bankruptcies listed on the Council's renewal and application form?
There are two types of proposals for individual debtors: Consumer Proposals and Division I Proposals:
However, I felt like I was trying to reinvent the wheel with a complicated system so it made my life easier to hear that type of proposal.
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