Sentences with phrase «type of seizure disorder»

«Any type of seizure disorder
Therefore, you should not use fennel if you have epilepsy or any other type of seizure disorder.
Valproic acid is widely used to treat various types of seizure disorders, but to this point, the cellular mechanism affected by its anticonvulsant properties were not well understood.
The next step is to find choke points for other types of seizure disorders and see if they have the same powerful effect.
Behaviors that might mimic feline hyperesthesia syndrome are estrus (cats in heat) and certain types of seizure disorders.

Not exact matches

«Now that we've confirmed the human relevance of our findings, our future goal is to better understand the roles of the different cell types in psychiatric and neurological disorders, and to determine if targeting these cells can actually help treat seizures,» concluded Paz.
According to the WHO [pdf], methylmercury — the type of mercury found in fish — can cause mental retardation, seizures, vision and hearing loss, delayed development, language disorders and memory loss in children.
There is INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE about the beneficial effects of caffeine consumption athletic performance during short - term exercise, such as sprints or lifting [115], attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)[89], asthma [85,86], cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease [191,192], depression [115], diabetes mellitus type 2 [22,23,187,205], gallstones [87,88], gout [83,84], hepatitis C or liver cirrhosis [115], improving breathing in preterm infants with apnea [150,174], leg cramps due to narrowed arteries (intermittent claudication)[115], liver cancer [191], memory [16,67], migraine headache [176,207,209], muscle soreness during exercise [115], obsessive - compulsive disorder (OCD)[115], orthostatic hypotension [78,80], postprandial hypotension (a drop of blood pressure after meals)[77], seizures [25], skin itching [115], stroke [115] or weight loss [90].
There are two types of dogs trained to help with seizure disorders; Seizure Response Dogs and Seizure Alerseizure disorders; Seizure Response Dogs and Seizure AlerSeizure Response Dogs and Seizure AlerSeizure Alert Dogs.
But listening to music could help prevent epileptic seizures, according to US study that found the brains of patients with reacted differently to certain types of music than those without the disorder.
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