Sentences with phrase «type of sin»

You can always count on the church to differentiate severity of types of sins even though god supposedly doesn't.
Conflict can sometimes be creative, but hostility is a breeder of many types of sin.
Although skin sores are not common they are possible and can usually be attributed to a flea allergy, ringworms or other types of sin infections.
Yet both sin and judgment are stark realities, and the most pervasive type of sin lies in the complacency, lethargy, and moral dullness of self - love at those points where both knowledge and freedom are available.
The second general type of sin named by Niebuhr was sensuality.
On that page, I explain that according to the book of Hebrews, one reason Jesus came was to redeem sin, and especially a certain kind of sin, the parabainō type of sin.
This is a parabainō sin, a transgression of the law, and was the main type of sin Jesus was concerned with in His ministry.
(In fact it's consistent with it, it would make sense for the God - man to encounter such types of sin and then to be victorious over them, * unlike * us.)
«Matters of the heart» are just as much willful sin as any other type of sin - and usually actions follow heart attitudes.
This type of sin is deeply rooted in this particular sect of people.
Because we wrongly tolerate one type of sin we should therefore tolerate all other forms of sin?
No amount of love can cover that type of sin!
This type of sin is the sin of misusing the law.
Why is it that we can love and forgive some types of sin, but not others?
If you think about it, I think that the ultimate motivation behind all types of sin is an attempt to manage the pain of believing «I am not.»
Sure, we may gain «victory» over some type of sin, but all we really end up doing is trading one sin for another, and usually the other sin is some sort of religious self - righteousness, which is worse than the sin we started with.
Just as one should not love any type of sin.
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