Sentences with phrase «type of study»

For the most part, intervention effects have not proven to be significantly different for different types of study populations.
Other types of studies examined overall dietary patterns of high fruit and vegetable intake or a vegetarian lifestyle typically incorporating large amounts of pulses.
I view these two types of study as complementary rather than as mutually exclusive.
What type of studies are those numbers based upon?
But available tools are either too broad — swapping out all gene expressions of one cell with another — or hyper - specialized for a particular type of study.
Different types of studies focusing on the latter, however, provide conflicting results.
There are three main types of study that help us understand the links between sleep habits and the risk of developing certain diseases.
Before investing in education technology, learn which types of studies hold the most value for educators and district leaders while assessing programs, and the best practices for evaluating those studies.
Many people have continuing education or other related types of studies that did not lead to a degree, but demonstrate specific areas of knowledge.
Special types of study opportunities can also be included, such as a semester abroad, at sea, or related exchange programs.
Two distinct types of study were eligible for inclusion.
Learn about the strengths and weaknesses of different types of studies.
Clinical signs are those that are obvious or apparent upon gross examination of the entire dog, as opposed to microscopic or other types of study.
The multitude of possible regional representations hinders the comparability and transfer of information between the various types of studies done for specific regions and scales.
Please instead refer to the Study Abroad Swedish Language programme above, or contact your home university to see if there is an exchange agreement or other type of study abroad cooperation in place with Lund University.
2) I think models are useful in many types of studies and getting better all the time.
There are many similar types of studies where researchers found citrulline malate to significantly reduce fatigue.
Different types of studies use different stand - ins: Flies for genetics; zebrafish for early development; rats and mice and monkeys for cancer, neuroscience and more.
This may suggest a preference for inductive types of study which approach texts with openness.
«Being able to observe how molecules exchange electrons during a chemical reaction opens the door to completely new types of studies of a number of fundamental biological and chemical processes.»
The report states that «our literature review is limited to studies that allow us to draw causal conclusions about the overall effects of incentive policies and programs,» and then it goes on to describe several types of studies that would be excluded by this criterion.
Research Associates handle various types of studies and trials and are responsible for collecting and organizing data.
Evidence hierarchies, one version shown, classify types of studies according to the strength of evidence they provide.
With the rise of new generations with the relevant academic expertise since the beginning of the 1990s, there have been new types of studies into the regional dynamics of the Gulf area (Nonneman 2001).
Stahlschmidt and his collaborators suggest that their results from one species of snake could have ramifications for different animals and other types of studies examining the role of oxidative damage during other activities, such as flying and immune response.
«We need to have different types of studies indicating a consistent pattern to more definitively determine health effects resulting from these chemicals.»
He suggests that combining genomewide and epigenomewide association studies can overcome problems of assigning cause and effect to specific alterations among either type of study alone.
Several meta - analyses were conducted on different types of studies published before February 1st, 2015.
In a small, randomized, controlled study, one of the most reliable types of studies, a popular energy drink was linked with increases in blood pressure and stress hormones called catecholamines in young, healthy adults.
Three types of studies characterize the nature of standards research from a literacy perspective: document analysis, study of teachers» practices, and the alignment of standards with assessment.
Using the quality of «agreeableness» as their metric for assessing the personality types of the study participants, the researchers asked the participants (ranging widely in age) to take personality tests and then identify their favorite types of dogs from a given list.
Types of studies Quantitative studies: randomized control trials (RCTs).
To date, efficacy data on psychotherapy derive mainly from two types of studies recognized for their scientific validity: so - called efficacy studies1 and effectiveness studies2.
Different types of studies use different stand - ins: Flies for genetics; zebrafish for...
These are the same type of studies that all the CPM websites link to....
A supported internship is one type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who have a statement of SEN, an LDA, or an EHC plan, who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so.
«Monovar is capable of analyzing large - scale datasets and handling different whole - genome protocols, therefore it is well - suited for many types of studies.
The researchers obtained an improved estimate of oblateness that is consistent with other types of studies.
So many experts advocate the use of an evidence hierarchy, a ladder or pyramid classifying different types of studies in the order of their evidentiary strength.
That type of study has been replicated over and over again.
The reason is this type of study is hard and requires studying both the revenues and the costs associated with this type of work.
Whitehead knew that within his large scheme of three cycles the individual student would be learning at a pace that would be influenced by the type of study required and the student's interest in it.»
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