Sentences with phrase «type treatment»

As with the half title, it looks much more professional if page uses the same type treatment and artistic elements as the book cover.
And the elegant type treatment perfectly completes this classic cover.
The bad news is that it is much more labor intensive and time consuming than spot on type treatments.
The procedure itself is typically an outpatient type treatment, where you will bring your pet in for periodic injections and light treatments.
Researchers are also working on a possible vaccine - type treatment for celiac disease that involves injecting a minute amount of gluten into the patient over a span of time — very similar to how allergy shots work.
massage, PT, rolfing, etc type treatments have healthier tissue to work with and it shows with this supplement..
Many non-fiction books use bold type treatments (large, distinctive fonts on a simple background) and, if the author is an authority on the topic, their picture.
√ First odd page — half title — I like to give it the same type treatment as the book cover, even in the ebook version.
The second kind of editing that was done on the book was to extensively re-format the blog articles to eliminate a lot of the bold and other stylized type treatments used in blog articles to make them attractive and scannable for blog readers and bring the book more in line with standard book typography.
Great type treatment and use of DNA symbol in place of the I. Author name stands out but doesn't compete with the title.
Professionally formatted books with careful attention to detail, including beautiful type treatments, and strict widow and orphan control.
In addition, I may have you change the location or type of litter box, use a different or previous type of litter, add another litter box (especially if there is another cat in the house), use pheromone type treatments, such as Feliway for stress reduction, et al..
If the hives last four months or more, or when topical or oral medications have little effect or produce side effects, your veterinarian may suggest doing blood tests (RAST or ELISA) or intradermal skin tests (ID) to pinpoint specific allergens for allergy shot type treatments.
«The dynamic nature of the marque means it can adapt to different styles mixing raw elements and clean type treatments to create a style that encompasses the spirit of Deptford X and the evolution of the neighbourhood.»
Blind Handshake's chock - a-block design is built up with dense image / text and image / image overlays, figure - ground dramas, and exuberant type treatments.
A comparison of hypnoanalytic / behavior modification technique and a cotherapist - type treatment with primary orgasmic dysfunction females: Some preliminary results: Journal of Sex Research Vol 18 (4) Nov 1982, 331 - 345.
For this trial, patient receives some kind of cortisone - type treatment for 3 - 4 weeks.
the most common is called IVIg which is a five day «transfusion» type treatment.
They know about fading and blending and layering and type treatments.
Your logo might incorporate your company (publishing house) name, or it may be a standalone graphic or type treatment.
Acupressure, acupuncture, massage, and other physical rehabilitation - type treatments can promote blood flow, diminish pain, reduce nausea, and generally make a pet feel better during treatment.
A combination of vacuuming and Fogger - type treatments will also need to be used together to ensure that not only the fleas and ticks are destroyed, but their developing eggs as well.
Many of the spray - type treatments can be purchased over-the-counter in any pet supply store.
For this trial, the patient receives some kind of cortisone - type treatment for three - to - four weeks.
«We created a system layered with playful taglines and type treatments, a simple brand mark, logo, and pops of bright colours,» explains Ashley Grayson, from LMNOP.
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