Sentences with phrase «types of churches as»

18John Henry Newman, On St Paul the Type of the Church as Missionarising, in: id., Sermon Notes, Longmans, Green, and Co, London 1913, pp. 62 - 64.
Newman's notes for a sermon titled «On St Paul the Type of the Church as Missionarising» 18 have survived.

Not exact matches

Then as my theology began to change I saw first hand the type of cultish mind control tactics employed in most fundamental church settings.
While many of the Church committee's 183 recommendations entrust oversight responsibilities to agency types, cabinet officers, and President's men who have been untrustworthy in the past, the Church plan taken as a whole attempts to put our check - and - balance system into better working order — not to tie the hands of intelligence but to enable it to serve a democratic society's needs without undermining its cherished principles.
As Reay Tannahill points out, this «was the exercise of power without responsibility — the same type of power women exercised in churches.
Because they (attempt to) care for widows, orphans, the homeless, the addicted and spend millions of dollars and travel thousands of miles to find people who do not any type of access to the gospel and translate the Bible into their native language, or build schools and hospitals as well as churches their witness and their faith is nullified because they (wrongfully) dismiss porn stars and the people trying to reach them?
For Christians, sexual difference and union is a type of Christ and the church... Only as allegory can the Song play its central role in healing our sexual imaginations.»
and as I know how your type is infamous for taking things out of context, I need more information about this allocation of funds to Church building.
Even as the situation in Ferguson seems to be improving, the events this week prompted me and many of the writers contributing to this blog series about racial reconciliation in the church to reflect upon the role Christians could play in these types of events in the future.
To them, church leaders and ministers rank at about the same low level of esteem as the «suits» where they work, the management types who are clueless about what actually goes on in the lab.
Just as the Virgin Birth, and the physical Resurrection of Christ are and were requirements of his literal Divinity and uniqueness upon the human scene, so also this type of development to which we appeal can not take place, except in a Church which claims the infallible magisterium on earth of the same Jesus in the name of his Divinity, and can manifest a line of consistent and coherent, definition because she has done so.
I am 60 years old, grew up in a very legalistic cultic church, been part of several church leaderships, served as pastor of a start up church, read and went to many, many, many church growth conferences, wanted to reach the lost, always trying to find the best structures, the best form of church, and what type of bells and whistles will attract people to church.
It goes without saying that the Catholic Church does not have any female leaders in the organization, and it is very apparent that the Penn State University organization and the Athletics Department lacked this type of leadership as well.
According to Trena Mewborn, Director of Counseling Service at First Baptist Church at the Mall, there are addicts in the church as well: «Just based on the couples that I've seen through the years, at least 50 percent of the couples who are coming forward have some type of struggle with pornography or internet affairs or some type of sexual issue.&Church at the Mall, there are addicts in the church as well: «Just based on the couples that I've seen through the years, at least 50 percent of the couples who are coming forward have some type of struggle with pornography or internet affairs or some type of sexual issue.&church as well: «Just based on the couples that I've seen through the years, at least 50 percent of the couples who are coming forward have some type of struggle with pornography or internet affairs or some type of sexual issue.»
It would be clearly inappropriate for the Church, as a spiritual society, to execute criminals, but the State is a different type of society.
As has been said before, it is to be expected that in future the type of the Church both in the diocese and in the parish will be that of a community of faith in a pluralistic society.
That have their assignments as well to infiltrate the church and cause the type of pain you have described?
After a sketch of the standoff between views of theology as something «objective» and views of it as something «subjective,» Wood concurs with Farley's reasons for rejecting the picture of theology as universally valid «objective» truths and factual knowledge.2 He also rejects another type of «objective» view of theology, represented by Hough and Cobb, which defines theology by reference to the purposes of professional church leadership (93).
I wonder if the books back then were just naturally acid free, or if they knowingly used a process where the books would not deteriorate; knowing that these types of books (such as church Bibles) would be expected to last a long time?
He declared that the Pentecostal churches growing so phenomenally in the Caribbean and elsewhere signaled «a new, third major type and branch of Christendom» that would stand alongside Roman Catholicism and historic Protestantism as a witness to Jesus Christ.
Much as the theme is overlooked or unwelcome, I can not help noticing that the old Federal Council of Churchestype moderate - to - liberal Protestant unity was easier, and thus what we call «mainline» church life was stronger, because cooperating Protestants used Catholicism as a foil.
The second type of religious community was first described by J. M. deJong, «The Denomination as the American Church Form,» Nienw Theologisch Tijdschrift 27 (1938): 347 - 388, as denominations and declared to be the American churchChurch Form,» Nienw Theologisch Tijdschrift 27 (1938): 347 - 388, as denominations and declared to be the American churchchurch form.
As Hauerwas and Willimon state in Resident Aliens «Since Niebuhr could appreciate the «rightness» of all the types of churches he described... his own pluralism underwrote the implicit assumption that his position (pluralism) was superior to other, more narrow ecclesiology.»
Though the journal in these years, and for considerable decades to come, was thoroughly Protestant in its ecumenism, and a particular type of Protestant as well, it regularly addressed the importance of unity for the life of the church.
Priority should be given to establishing certain types of groups: As indicated earlier, one of these is a group for church officials, other lay leaders, teachers, and youth leaders.
The denominational - interdenominational type of church organization is doubtless with us to stay, rooted as it is in the history and structure of North American life.
Note secondly a deep irony in the «Berlin» type of excellence in theological education: Although what makes it properly «theological» is its goal (as «professional» education) of nurturing the health of the church by preparing for it excellent leadership, what entitles it to a home in the wissenschaftlich education it needs is the rather different goal of nurturing the health of society as a whole (for which professional church leadership is a «necessary practice»).
It has always to be remembered that no one in the early Church regarded the changes going on in the synoptic - type Jesus - tradition as due to anything other than the influence of the risen Lord.
By the fundamentalist Protestant type we mean those churches which hold to the verbal inspiration and hence the literal inerrancy of the Bible, and which defend as of vital importance certain creedal dogmas, notably the virgin birth, the blood atonement, the physical resurrection of Christ, and his visible second coming.
Such a counselor's primary identity, however, is not as psychotherapist but as minister of the church, one who offers the type of relationship called for by the Christian gospel and who interprets the predicaments and possibilities of life Christianly.
It is the catechists job to respond to that type of question, as patiently and painstakingly as is necessary — for instance to explain apostolic authority, that Christ gives his authority to the Church.
This approach emphasised Mary as a figure or type of the Church, which implies that her privileges must be understood in light of the Church of which she is the first and pre-eminent member.
Why privilege contemporary evangelical and Pentecostal religious bodies as somehow closer than «church» types of religious organization to the original meaning of Christianity?
not sure i said this before or not, i have been on for over a year — anyway — i have been going to random churches, temples, really place that worships any form of the of abraham and others — i have yet to get anywhere but where i started from — which is what i am, what i am meant to be, and what i was... only this has been gained — gained is a gift of a word for i knew all of this before i started and so i view my time as wasted only for this the reason of getting somewhere — i did meet many great people with great views but all required the very real existence of god which was something lacking and why they had a constant failure yet what they called «keeping the faith» att itude type results... something was missing or missunderstood — your take?
Here the document is alluding to some idea of a future reality: Mary, as virgin and mother, is the perfect type of what the Church is called to be.
I am with an anglican church and they do allow women ministers and they preach.So if you are a women and God has put a calling on your life to preach then join a church that allows you to use that gift from what i understand exhortation prophesy and evangelism are topics that can be preached in any church by women and there no restrictions outside of church as in home group type situations.This is one of those situations that we may not agree on scripture but we still are one in Christ and to God be all the glory.brentnz
It is overtly obvious that the Framers wanted there to be separation of Church and State as they valued freedom... it is the act of protecting those types of freedoms that makes our country so great today where people of ALL religions (or lack thereof) can come to the US and work to make it the best country on Earth without fear of being persecuted for their beliefs.
As American society has become increasingly institutionalized, the churches have sent more and more ministers into institutions of various types.
Warning the seminaries against complacency, he points out that «the churches are demanding many new types of workers» who, he seems to suggest, may well be supplied not by the seminaries but by «Bible schools and religious training schools,» the «recent growth» of which means that they «now enroll as many students as all the seminaries».
Women were considered unreliable witnesses at the time (a fact that may explain why the apostle Paul omitted the women from the resurrection account entirely in his letter to the Corinthian church), so their proclamation of the good news was dismissed by the men as an «idle tale,» the type of silly gossip typical of uneducated women.
Go to the search box at the bottom of this page, and type in terms such as church, worship, neighbors, fellowship, service and so on.
So when Michael Moore does his own type of work to bring truth to bear on a political situation, it is not the same thing as looking at reform in the church because of different aims and different modes of operating.
It may not be out of order here to make some comparisons as to the effectiveness in this field of three dominant types of American church life the Roman Catholic, the fundamentalist Protestant, and the liberal — mainly with a view to seeing what can be learned from types other than our own.
It proposes through suggestion and practice the possibility of a new type of church based on electronic connection, frequently referred to as the «electric» or «electronic» church.
From time to time thinkers and pastors, identified at the time by authority as «heretics», seen by others as prophets, and by some historians now as social revolutionaries, reached the conclusion that the Christian Gospel spoke of a body of Christians, of an incipient «Church», of a kind far removed from the type of political and economic structure maintained by Roman Canon Law.
Finally, the answers made to these two types of questions will interconnect in complex ways with answers made to the question of how the school as community is related to church communities: Is the school itself an ordered Christian congregation; is it an expanded version of the academic aspect of the work of ministerial leadership in a settled congregation; is it an agency for the extension education of practicing clergy?
There is a traditional main - line position that favors the confessional Catholic state as the ideal type of relationship between church and state.
In fact, events such as the recent world youth gathering in Paris are organised by the local church, but more interesting is the reassurance that properly liberal Tablet types would not be caught dead attending, never mind helping to organise, such gatherings of the great unwashed.
When the Anglican patristic scholar and Church historian Trevor Jalland concluded his Bampton Lectures at Oxford in 1942 (published in 1944 as The Church and the Papacy: A Historical Study), he spoke of the Roman Church as having «in its long and remarkable history a supernatural grandeur which no mere secular institution has ever attained in equal measure,» and went on to refer to «its strange, almost mystical, faithfulness to type, its marked degree of changelessness, its steadfast clinging to tradition and to precedent.»
As an ideal type, denomination signifies a body that sees itself as one among many expressions of the true churcAs an ideal type, denomination signifies a body that sees itself as one among many expressions of the true churcas one among many expressions of the true church.
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