Sentences with phrase «types of decisions using»

Teachers make three types of decisions using assessment results:

Not exact matches

«Part of what's driving [Thursday's move lower] really has to do with an inventory drawdown, which is Apple's decision to pull all the inventory» from one type of Taiwan Semiconductor chip to prepare to use a different chip.
A good way to make your decision is to analyze your competitors to determine the channels they are using, then decide whether to use the same type of channel or an alternative that may provide you with a strategic advantage.
There are various types of credit scores, and lenders use a variety of different types of credit scores to make lending decisions.
What types of information do we as consumers use to make buying decisions?
Did you ever think when you are typing words, gathering your thoughts, deciding / choosing what to say, and using the best intellect you can find in your brain; that you are conscious in these thoughts / decisions, and that your eyes / hands / brain synapses, are all part of the lense (of the human body) that you are able to see and control to the limitations inherent in its essence?
It is a very real question whether the later decision to use the forms of Greek logical discourse did not of itself radically affect the nature of the message, the type of audience to which it would appeal, and eventually the constituency of the Church.
The story of Sodom in Genesis 18 was about violence and domination, the same type of event that takes place in prisons and occupied countries, but it was NOT the reason for God's decision to destroy the city, and to use this story as a basis for prejudice against ho mose xuality in general is like comparing ra pe to marriage.
Whether you need to decide what type of car seat you want to use, or whether or not you want a jogging stroller; the decisions are endless.
When you think about making the purchase decision using this type of thinking style becomes less of a factor.
If mothers want to use a birthing center as a delivery option it is best to be evaluated by a doctor before making any decision, because high - risk pregnancies do not qualify for this type of center because they do not have the equipment or trained staff if the mother needs to get in the operating room.
Let's look at the top reasons to get children tested for giftedness, the types of tests to use, the best time to test, and the questions you should ask in order to make the best decision for your child.
My concern is why is this type of effort in social media not being used to try and HELP people - instead of trying to take down a major brand that made a poor marketing decision?
4) Facilitation / Divorce Co-ordinator (Couples / Family): Facilitation can be used to resolve any type of family dispute — divorce (financial aspects, contact and care, rights and responsibilities in respect of the parents to the children, holiday contact, maintenance issues), post-divorce disputes (ongoing contact, disputes with regard to joint decisions to be made between the parties etc), maintenance, permanent relationship or civil union disputes, relocation matters, testamentary division.
One of the most important decisions in newborn baby care that you should consider is the type of diaper to use.
From the type of induction used to how best to manage the later stages of labor, you have a lot of decisions to make when labor is induced.
The decision depends on the type of incision used in the previous cesarean delivery, the number of previous cesarean deliveries, whether you have any conditions that make a vaginal delivery risky, and the type of hospital in which you have your baby, as well as other factors.
Before you make a decision on what kind of water to use with baby formula, talk to your doctor about which types of water are right to mix with powdered or concentrated formulas.
She covers the differential lactation diagnosis process, the decision tree for choosing level and type of intervention, and the various treatment modalities used to correct sucking problems both in and out of hospital.
MPs have collectively deplored the coalition's hurried decision to switch the type of joint strike fighter (JSF) to be used on Britain's aircraft carriers.
Idealware's Nonprofit Social Media Decision Making Guide will use research - based findings to help nonprofits answer these types of questions.
The bill passed by the Senate includes anti-nepotism provisions, today: · Prohibits gifts from lobbyists and their clients of more than nominal value, including travel, lodging and other expenses, and broaden the types of lobbying activities that lobbyists must disclose; · Prohibits elected government officials and candidates for elected local, state or federal office from appearing in taxpayer - funded advertisements; · Closes the «revolving door» loophole by prohibiting former legislative employees from directly lobbying the Legislature for two years, and expands the revolving door restrictions for Executive Chamber employees to preclude appearances before any state agency; · Prohibits non-legislative employees from using their authority or influence to «compel or induce» any other employee to make political contributions; · Prohibits state employees from participating in any personnel decision or contracting matter concerning a relative.
«Existing quality of life studies have studied older types of surgery and radiation that are no longer used, and patients need updated information regarding the impact of modern treatment options so they can make informed decisions about the choices they face today.»
By use of a shared decision - making recruitment strategy targeting the entire at - risk population within an integrated community healthcare system, the researchers screened 1,808 adults meeting inclusion criteria (age 25 - 64, with type 2 diabetes and a BMI 30 - 45 kg / m2).
Philosophers and psychologists have long used variations on this vignette to examine different types of moral reasoning, including utilitarian decision making.
A Supreme Court decision a decade ago eliminated the use of certain types of district policies that had been voluntarily adopted by some school districts to address rising segregation.
The research produced a decision - support tool that cities can download and use to estimate the energy and environmental consequences of various pavement types.
Manicke says that initially, the device could be used to guide public health and public policy decisions, by shedding light on the types of drugs that are causing overdoses across Indiana.
This information can help decision makers make better and more informed choices about how and where to boost agricultural production, including what types and amount of fertilisers to use, and the potential for carbon sequestration in different soils.
When we begin any form of physical exercise or activity, our bodies are actually forced to make a decision as to which type of energy they'll use, to supply us with the necessary energy required to get us through whatever it is that we're doing.
We do this by providing accurate and informative reviews that can be used to help create sound decisions on which type of dating services are the best.
Simulation - based games, crosswords, tic - tac - toe, trivia, maze games, board games, and even decision - making games — there is no limit to the types of games we have grown up with, that can be used for learning purposes.
The survey focused on how these educational leaders use research to inform their decision making, identifying three types of research use defined in earlier studies: instrumental use of research to guide or inform a specific decision; conceptual use of research to inform the way a person views a problem or possible solutions; and symbolic use of research to persuade others or legitimate a decision already made.
The primary purpose of the study was to identify the decisions that preservice special education teachers made and the types of knowledge they used when making these decisions as they integrated iPad apps into lessons with students who had mild disabilities.
Schools used the widest range and types of data to inform these decisions, including results on standardized testing, academic and social history, and teacher observations.
For example, the outcome of data interpretation processes might not be actions or decisions aimed directly at student learning; instead, it might be a search for additional types of evidence considered crucial to decision making, or push - back on some external influences on data use considered unhelpful by principals and teachers.
In addition, teaching prospective special educators about the specific types of decisions and actions that reflect TPACK components prevalent in special education settings can promote the use of this knowledge in teaching practice (Jaipal - Jamani & Figg, 2015).
Types of evidence available to the school (often from the district) and existing conditions influencing how data are interpreted and used are variables shaping the processes for interpreting evidence by principals and their colleagues in their decisions and actions.
Sub-study one focused on the types and nature of data use by principals in their decision making; district influences on data - informed decision making by principals; and the relationship between school data use and variability in student achievement.
The transformation section of the Framework helps teachers act on their reflections in terms of their use of the types of learning experiences and what they can do to contribute to improved instruction (e.g., advocate for decisions that support positive student outcomes, share results of using one of the Framework's categories of learning experiences).
The study found that SWP schools tended to use Title I funds for a broader array of staff types and services than TAPs and also to be more involved in decision - making about how to use Title I funds.
In this session, participants will discuss what type of data they receive and how they use it to inform decisions.
«How to manage the change process in the schools, evaluate teachers» use of the new standards during instruction, align the school's instructional focus, make key decisions on the best types of professional development to support teachers, and develop extended learning opportunities to sufficiently address CCSS implementation.»
Since there is no single source or type of data that can reveal everything that's needed to make balanced, well - informed instructional decisions, it's important to use more than one data source and collect multiple types of information.
Principals noted a compelling need for more adequate preparation and professional development in specific leadership areas, such as how to manage the change process in the schools, evaluate teachers» use of the new standards during instruction, align the school's instructional focus, make key decisions on the best types of professional development to support teachers, and develop extended learning opportunities to sufficiently address CCSS implementation.
I use an exploratory factor analysis to identify four distinct components of administrators» feedback to teachers and show that different components predict different types of personnel decisions in schools.
Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.Ownership HistoryThe number of owners is estimated Owner 1 Year purchased2008 Type of ownerPersonalEstimated length of ownership8 yrs.
Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.Price Calculator ™ Adjust the value of this 2009 Acura MDX based on the information available in this report1) Retail Book Value2) CARFAX Price Adjustment ™ 3) Adjusted Retail Value $ Enter retail book value here + $ 730Above retail book valueBegin by entering the retail book valueOwnership HistoryThe number of owners is estimated Owner 1 Year purchased2009 Type of ownerPersonalEstimated length of ownership5 yrs.
The fee arrangements, acceptable file types, and royalty payment terms vary among these companies, so do your homework before you make a decision to use any of them.
If you decide to consolidate your debts, another decision has to be made: What type of debt consolidation program should I use?
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