Sentences with phrase «types of measures which»

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The collaboration will involve creating machine learning methods which can analyze mountains of existing type 1 diabetes research in order to figure out risk factors and, hopefully, effective prevention measures.
Once you've setup your inbound recruiting funnel, ensure you measure how your different content topics help attract candidates, and which types of content attracts your best candidates.
Google Analytics refers to these as Goals, which you should use to measure which types of content trend well with visitors and which don't.
The types of new information that Whitecoat will collect is based upon the Patient Reported Outcome Measures framework, which is gaining prominence.
«It seems such a minor, sideline type of measure, but it does strike at the core of whether a job is workable within the context of family life,» said Lisa Guide, associate director of the Rockefeller Family Fund, which has financed research and advocacy on this subject.
The measures were radical: From July 2016, Trump's canvassers were provided with an app with which they could identify the political views and personality types of the inhabitants of a house.
If you follow and analyze the performance of ETX Capital throughout the past ten years, you will notice the top rated services and required safety measures which the broker offers to all its traders irrespective of their account types and country of origin.
Fixed index annuities are a type of fixed annuity that earns interest, in part, based on changes in a market index, which measures how the market or part of the market performs.
God is transcendent also in the sense that his is the final autonomy which measures all other types of autonomy, and beyond which there is no appeal.
When the Anglican patristic scholar and Church historian Trevor Jalland concluded his Bampton Lectures at Oxford in 1942 (published in 1944 as The Church and the Papacy: A Historical Study), he spoke of the Roman Church as having «in its long and remarkable history a supernatural grandeur which no mere secular institution has ever attained in equal measure,» and went on to refer to «its strange, almost mystical, faithfulness to type, its marked degree of changelessness, its steadfast clinging to tradition and to precedent.»
Upon recovery, I was blasted again by Auntie Soon's Dangerous Hot Sauce which contains Thai and Congo peppers, and for good measure, two types of habaneros.
In tests that yield Scoville heat units (SHUs), the Bhut Jolokia reached 1 million SHUs, almost double the SHUs of former hotshot Red Savina (a type of habanero pepper), which measured a mere 577,000.
As Dr. Robert Cantu explains in his 2012 book, Concussions and Our Kids, [15] it «takes more than one type of test to compile a comprehensive baseline,» because neurocognitive tests measure the thinking and reasoning parts of the brain (medial temporal lobe and front lobe), but concussions «also may cause trauma to the calcarine cortex, which is in the back of the brain and controls vision, and the cerebellum, at the top of the neck, where balance and coordination are measured.
Other types of non-hospital grade monitors rely on movement to measure the baby's breathing, which can cause false alarms since newborns do not breathe in regular, steady patterns, even when they are breathing normally.
Speaking to reporters afterwards, Mr Reid said they had agreed «practical» measures to tackle terrorism, which ranged from improving the exchange of intelligence to tightening airport security, shutting down radical websites to investigating new types of explosives.
As the mice aged, their motor performance on a rotarod test (which measures how long the mouse can remain on a rotating rod) became impaired and the length of their strides were significantly shorter than the wild type control mice.
This type of activity has typically only been measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which is costly and poorly accessible, limiting its clinical use.
Yet the global policy and science communities do not differentiate among the relative values of different types of forest landscapes — which range from highly intact ones to those which are heavily logged, fragmented, burnt, drained and / or over-hunted — due in part to the lack of a uniform way of measuring their quality.
Pairs of cyclotrons could be set up at three different distances, or baselines, around the same detector, which would measure how many antineutrinos from each beam morph into a different type during flight.
Meanwhile, on the ground, earth scientists from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy are taking aim at the volcano with spectrometers, which measure the types and amounts of gases spewing from its mouth.
Luckily, such a task will also be helped along by the Van Allen Probes, which were also carefully designed to measure and distinguish between the numerous types of electromagnetic waves.
Most such explosions are thought to have an identical intrinsic brightness, which Sandage and his colleagues have found by measuring the distances of two nearby galaxies that have spawned type Ia supernovae.
Shaw and her colleagues briefly captured and banded 20 adult birds, which they trained to carry out six different tests to measure various skills thought to be linked to specific types of animal cognition (defined as the ability to acquire, process, and act on information about the environment).
The attendees developed a list of top research priorities and a research agenda for exercise in solid organ transplant, which includes the need to conduct large multicenter intervention studies, standardize measures of physical function in clinical trials, examine the benefits of novel types of exercise, and assess the effects of exercise on measures such as immunity, infection, and cognition.
An international team led by researchers at Nagoya University, along with US and Swiss colleagues, has identified a new type of solar event and dated it to the year 5480 BC; they did this by measuring carbon - 14 levels in tree rings, which reflect the effects of cosmic radiation on the atmosphere at the time.
This is precisely the type of phenomenon that SWIFTS can measure, which could contribute to forecasting the onset of such natural disasters.
Karnik says sapwood likely can filter most types of bacteria, the smallest of which measure about 200 nanometers.
Second is abundance, which measures the number of each type of bee observed in a study area.
The supernova in question is SN 2017cbv, a thermonuclear Type Ia, which astronomers use to measure the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
The first type of aquatic automaton, which measures about 12.7 centimeters, mimics the carangiform swimming technique used by bass and trout.
The latter type of sensors, Robock notes, could directly measure the size distribution of aerosols, which could help researchers better model their effects on climate.
To compare hearing ability in former musicians to people who never played an instrument, researchers measured the electrical brain activity produced by a type of auditory processing called «neural timing,» which enables people to respond to split - second changes in sound such as the transition from a consonant to a vowel.
He added: «Truly naive human ES cell lines would not only help answer fundamental questions about how we are made, and be useful for drug screening and tissue therapy, but they would also provide a benchmark against which other types of stem cells could be measured in terms of their effectiveness in stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine.»
Second, gene discovery of the type highlighted in the Nature Genetics article will contribute to predicting who will develop Alzheimer's disease, which will be important when preventive measures become available.
Once we fabricate electrodes and measure their surface areas, we use a suite of characterization methods to determine unknown semiconductor properties by the following procedure: We determine the conductivity type of an unknown material by monitoring the open - circuit potential response upon illumination, which is important to establish the reverse - bias conditions used for all subsequent testing.
The envelopes have emission measures an order of magnitude greater than that of the warm ionized gas, and are just a few parsecs away from the central stars, which have type O5 or earlier.
The study, which was published yesterday in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, revealed other probiotic - related perks, as well: Daily consumption was associated not just with improved memory and thinking, but lower levels of two types of cholesterol (triglycerides and VLDL, or very low - density lipoprotein) and two common measures of insulin resistance as well.
pd: After 4 weeks of doing the routine of our guide for the mesomorph body type I notice my thigs and knee are more toned and smaller, I measure them and they are reducing their size, but I never measured my calves (which has always been a problem to me), so I'm trying to find out what type of excercises I have to avoid (e.g. as you said, jumping)
But when we're doing these measurements, we're typically only measuring IgG which is one type of antibody or IgA.
The specific skin type which they tested was atopic dry skin, and all measures of inflammation were decreased.
In addition, the effects of fiber type after any kind of training could differ, depending on the time period over which you measure force.
Calipers can't measure this type of fat, which surrounds your organs and stubbornly refuses to vacate your midsection even after you've served an eviction notice.
Obese individuals with type 2 diabetes consumed 24 grams of native banana starch each day for 4 weeks, which was measured to contain 8 grams of resistant starch.
There are two ways to measure testosterone levels: A total testosterone test, which measures the combined levels of all three types in your blood, or a test that only measures free testosterone.
It does mean that no matter which type of site you choose, you have to practice some common sense safety measures, such as not giving out any personal information and not assuming you know anything about the other person until you've been in contact for a long time.
There are stars that you can earn in your level rankings which also are a measure of the game's trophy systems as well as unlock other types of content.
In that type of world, it really does take courage to value that which we can't measure.
Year 4 Science Assessments Objectives covered: Recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways Explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases Identify common appliances that run on electricity Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit Recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors
By undertaking a comprehensive risk assessment of a school, perhaps with the help of a professional security consultant, officials are able to determine which type of measures are most appropriate for the school, and where they should be implemented.
The study, which includes 150 secondary school teachers in twenty - eight states, is measuring «the impact of these instructional changes, such as more frequent assessment and types of classroom discourse, on student performance in algebra.»
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