Sentences with phrase «types of pets if»

Most do well with other dogs as well as other types of pets if socialized properly from a young age.
They get along well with other dogs, as well as other types of pets if socialized with them while young.

Not exact matches

Peter Laufer: Yes, except in the environment that we have and the type capitalism we practice the regulatory agency in question which is the USDA, the United States Department of Agriculture; the National Organic Program, the NOP, is serving business at least as much as it's servicing the rest of us and maybe more and it's the position of the USDA that if companies like Trader Joe's or others decide that the origin of their products is a proprietary business tool, then they are successfully able to hide behind that claim and not tell you where something you're going to buy and eat came from.
If you're type of person that believes the words coming out of Liverpool gaffa Rafa Benitez's mouth, you'd know be part of a fairly small minority that believes his 15 million pound valuation of strike Peter Crouch was A-OK!
(This could be your backyard — especially if you have a bird feeder or birdbath — or a park, field, forest, beach, aviary at a zoo, pet store or farm that has different types of birds.)
If you like the look of tweed jackets — but are committed to only wearing machine washable clothes due to kid / pet / other reasons — then note that Ming Wang often has knit jackets that have a tweed - type look.
It is very interactive, and you get to enter everything under the sun about yourself, from what type of exercise you like, if you have pets, what your ideal night is, and more.
If you are more of a couch potato stay at home type who loves pets and home life, we really might be the right couple for you!
For those unfamiliar these types of games are all about leveling up and collecting loot if that wasn't enough you also get a pet to fight alongside you.
It's almost as if the idea of even loosely associating the film with Peter Pan is insignificant when it could just be a Sherlock and Watson type team chasing a brutal child criminal.
And if yours is obviously self - published, you know a homemade, Blue Peter job type of approach then you're doing something wrong.
Nationwide carries everything from auto and home insurance to pet and identify theft insurance and financial services, which makes this company ideal as a one - stop shop if you need several types of policies.
If you have more than one insurance product then they just need to be different types of insurances to stack — eg home insurance and pet insurance.
It is best to give less than the recommended dosage if you feed your pet other types of supplements.
If you have other types of pets such as cats or dogs in your house, choose other types of cages such as aquarium or plastic modular cages rather than barred cages to prevent any unwanted circumstances.
If a pet bird is mainly consuming seeds, owners should sprinkle a vitamin, mineral and amino acid supplement on top of a fresh, high - quality seed mix and offer a variety of other types of food to help fill in the holes nutritionally.
Even if a store just sells dog and cat products, which is the most common type of pet supply store in the U.S., more than 40 percent of its customers feed wild birds — that's a lot of potential add - on sales.
If you or any of your loved ones are allergic to any specific types of pets, common ones include dogs or cats, obviously you should not choose that specific pet.
If you have a job with long hours or are the type that doesn't stay home much, a more dependent animal such as a dog, requiring emotional support and letting out for bathroom breaks, may not be the type of pet you are looking for.
«If you are looking for the type of pet that you need to pay very little attention to and feed perhaps once a day, a goat is not that kind of pet either.
«Even if you are just someday looking to adopt a pet, this is a great opportunity to come down and learn about the different groups and different types of animals so when you are ready to adopt, you know where to go and you are better educated,» Bank said.
If your pet is more of the not - so - active type, then you can go with the 2.4 pounds.
If done correctly, the abrupt sound that you make should closely resemble the same type of sound that one of your pet's littermates might make should they be bitten.
It's not necessarily a copout to do this... dogs learn through association, and if you eliminate the association of being aggressive toward the other pet over food (with a combination of set boundaries and environmental control), then they will no longer feel the need to be so wary and guarding in that type of situation.
Once you find a diet that works well for your pet, it is also important not to switch brands or types of food if possible.
The concern is that pet owners are going online to buy two types of commonly used veterinary prescription drugs: heartworm preventives, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can be dangerous if your vet isn't overseeing their use and monitoring your pet.
The type of chocolate consumed is also important if a pet...
If you're interested in a type of pet (for example, a small breed puppy) rather than a specific pet, let the rescue groups around you know what you are looking for.
Bobbing Head If you have a bearded dragon as your pet, you may notice that another common type of bearded dragon behavior would be head - bobbing.
There are several advantages to this type of technology including being able to zoom in and focus on the problem area, ability to show you as the pet owner exactly what is ailing your pet and finally if a specialist's opinion is needed the images can be emailed for quick response!
If you want to provide the cleanest possible diet for your dog, you may need to just say no to many different types of additives that are commonly found in pet food:
If you choose the types of fish carefully, tropical fish are great pets for almost any household.
The type of protein a pet is most exposed to it most likely to the culprit if an allergy occurs, according to pet nutritionist Keith Hansen.
The AVMA has drafted model legislation that, if enacted, would actually improve the welfare of dogs at breeding facilities, animal shelters, retail pet stores and other types of operations,» said Dr. Ron Dehaven, the AVMA's chief executive officer.
If you can get chicken feet in the area you live in it is much better to start your puppy on this type of chew than on some rubber ball that has to be purchased from a pet store.
«Let's look at how much theobromine is in certain types of chocolate, and then we can best know if you need to be concerned about chocolate poisoning in your pet.
Your veterinarian can also determine if your pet is sufficiently healthy to start an exercising and advise on the most appropriate types of activities.
For example, angel hair is usually considered to be of low toxicity, it can irritate eyes, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract; the content of Christmas tree preservatives varies and often effects depend upon the amount ingested; styrofoam, small parts from Christmas tree ornaments and toys, as well as tinsel, can cause mechanical obstructions in the gastrointestinal tract; snow flock can cause problems if sprayed into the mouth and inhaled; and chocolate, of any type, should never be given to a pet.
The type of chocolate consumed is also important if a pet will suffer from an overdose of chocolate and become toxic or poisoned.
If your pet is allowed to stay, make sure you understand the etiquettes related to having a pet in a hotel or similar types of accommodation.
Purpose of Study: If your veterinarian has a suspicion that your pet is suffering from infectious keratitis (infection of the cornea) or a deep corneal ulcer, they will recommend taking a swab sample from the surface of your pet's cornea in order to see what type of infection your pet has.
But it is obvious that this small creature can possibly come with a large price tag, so choose whether to get one as a pet wisely, especially if you are the type of pet owner that might tend to splurge.
If anyone can offer any knowledge or experience with this type of behavior with «pet» boxers killing and eating cats, I would be grateful.
If you're a cat owner or other type of pet owner, do not think you are unaffected by Breed Specific Legislation (BSL).
Chances are if your pet is in need of nearly any type of care University Animal Hospital, is where you should bring your pet first.
If you adopt two pets of the same type (dog, puppy, cat, kitten) from the Center within 30 days, you will receive a discount on your adoption fee!
If you are the type of owner who always worries about their pets while you're away from the home, a wireless camera can be an excellent way of checking in on them without being invasive.
If you want an alternative which is less of a mess, there are many types of chew toys available at your local pet store.
Many health concerns disappear as if by magic — including chronic anal gland problems — once your pet is eating the type and quality of food nature intended him to eat.
If protection against the horrid disease of rabies for pets and their humans isn't enough reason to have our pets vaccinated, (which it certainly is), here's a bonus: new research has shown that rabies vaccinations decrease the likelihood of rabies - vaccinated dogs dying from any type of disease.
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