Sentences with phrase «types of publishing routes»

I think there's a big opportunity to learn from the different types of publishing routes as well.

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As a result, the team designed a new type of transistor — with the concept published in the journal Applied Physics Letters — that could open new routes for graphene - based high - speed electronic and optoelectronic devices.
I am neither for nor against any type of publishing arrangement that's honest and transparent but non-traditional routes are hardly last resort choices.
I love to see the success stories of writers who are great at running their own businesses, because it gives me hope that if I decide to go this route, the path is well paved with great writers who produce high quality work, rather than just clicking «publish» after typing «the end» which has always irritated me.
While there are hybrid styles of book publishing; in - between routes to take your book from Word document to print, the majority can be distilled into four primary types: Traditional, Vanity, Indie and E-Publishing.
While this may raise some eyebrows from people who are concerned about the ethics of working with two distinctly different types of authors, most of Red Adept's clients for both traditional and self - publishing assistance know before they contact the company which route to publication they plan to follow; more and more authors are heading into their writing careers seeing either route as a viable option.
Just as publishing via the traditional route gives an idea of the type of choices a publisher must make each and everyday.
I do want to try the other routes as well, because I love to write, and I want to learn as much as I can about all types of publishing and writing.
I wonder how long before we stop reading these types of stories, either because it has become so established a route to publishing success that it's not worthy of comment or because no author would be crazy enough to do the deal?
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