Sentences with phrase «types of teachers tend»

There is no research that identifies which types of teachers tend to work in portfolio districts and if these teachers have more desirable characteristics or are more effective compared to teachers who teach in non-portfolio districts.

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And, not surprisingly, these types of schools tend to attract and retain some of the very best teachers.
This makes sense because elementary students tend to be more obedient to their teachers, so they may show higher levels of this type of engagement at that younger age.»
Even more interesting, however, we find stark differences across schools in the type of teachers that parents tend to request.
We need to improve identification and eligibility criteria and procedures, including multiple gateways and types of data to make sure we aren't only identifying the same «type» of student (usually upper - middle class white students, who tend to behave in ways pleasing to mostly - white teachers) and neglecting minorities and English Language Learners.
We explore whether districts that offer different types of financial incentives to teachers tend to have greater diversity among teachers within their schools.
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