Sentences with word «typhus»

Typhus is a contagious disease caused by bacteria that are usually spread by insects like fleas, lice, or ticks. It can cause high fever, headache, muscle aches, and a rash. Full definition
To their credit, neither organization has tried to capitalize — publicly, anyhow — on the recent case of typhus in Santa Ana, California.
For instance, in 2009, Orange County, California reported 12 cases of flea - borne typhus out of a population of 3 million residents6, making the chance of infection just 1 in 250,000 — about the same as the risk of being hit by an asteroid.7
Salmonella Typhimurium causes gastroenteritis (diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and abdominal cramps) while Salmonella Typhi causes typhoid fever (high fever, weakness, stomach pains, headache and loss of appetite).
Geographic association of Rickettsia felis - Infected opossums with human murine typhus, Texas.
«Several investigations of outbreaks of flea - born typhus in Los Angeles County have demonstrated that pet ownership is a more significant risk factor than exposure to free - roaming cats,» said Ackerman.
Not even an apple tree a day could prevent Max from contracting typhus at age seven.
The smell of plague has been compared with the odor of May flowers, and that of typhus with a Cossack.
While these pests might be puny, their effects can be massive in their transmission of diseases from typhus to Bartonella or tapeworm and more.
The Special Pathogens Branch, part of The Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, deals with some of the really nasty stuff - diseases like Ebola, Rift Valley fever, and Lassa fever (and before you ask, a Rickettsial disease is one caused by any Rickettsia bacteria, which are carried by parasites such as ticks, fleas and lice, and cause diseases such as typhus).
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi.
Chile powder was an early treatment for typhus and dropsy in India, when mixed with «Peruvian bark,» presumably quinine.
Meant to hold 6,000 prisoners, the barracks were packed with 30,000 men — a Petri dish for diseases like typhus and lice infestations.
When they generated S. Typhi lacking the Vi capsular polysaccharide and tested them in both experimental settings, they found that these behaved just like S. Typhimurium, i.e. evoked the «reach - out» response in pipette - held neutrophils and, in the Boyden chamber, elicited migration of neutrophils to the bottom compartment.
CD4 + T Cells Are as Protective as CD8 + T Cells against Rickettsia typhi Infection by Activating Macrophage Bactericidal Activity.
A 2005 investigation of an outbreak of six cases of flea - borne typhus on one block in Pasadena found that three out of four households representing four out of six cases had indoor / outdoor cats, and reported the presence of opossums.
A suburban focus of endemic typhus in Los Angeles County: association with seropositive domestic cats and opossums.
They also spread disease including tapeworms, hemoplasmas, plague, tularemia, Rickettsia typhi, Rickettsia felis and Bartonella.
Recently, a Salmonella Typhi isolate producing CTX - M - 15 extended spectrum β - lactamase (ESBL) and with decreased ciprofloxacin susceptibility was isolated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Selection of Potential Therapeutic Bacteriophages that Lyse a CTX - M - 15 Extended Spectrum β - Lactamase Producing Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Strain from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
FLEA - BORNE TYPHUS ALERT FOR LOCAL SANTA ANA COMMUNITY SANTA ANA, CA (May 25, 2012)-- Earlier this week Santa Ana officials were notified by O.C. Vector Control that, as of last Friday, there is a Santa Ana resident with a confirmed case of Typhus.
A few follow - up items related to my past couple of posts: the first sheds some additional light on the Santa Ana typhus scare, while the second provides a little historical context to The Sacramento Bee's recent reporting on Wildlife Services..
Typhus, Fleas, and Cats Somehow I missed press releases from both Stray Cat Alliance and Alley Cat Allies, both issued yesterday in response to the Santa Ana typhus scare.
Research published on August 7th in PLOS Pathogens comparing the two pathogens reveals how S. Typhi avoids recognition and elimination by patrolling immune cells called neutrophils, allowing it to disseminate throughout the patient's body.
H58 Typhi is often resistant to the first - line antimicrobials commonly used to treat the disease, and is continuing to evolve as it spreads to new regions and populations, acquiring novel mutations providing resistance to newer antimicrobial agents, such as ciprofloxacin and azithromycin.
Alexander the Great could conquer the known world, but he couldn't conquer typhus.
Body lice, which feed on your blood and nothing else, spread many diseases, including typhus and trench fever.
Four other members of the expedition had gotten sick, and all of them showed antibodies for North Asian tick typhus, although only two remembered being bitten.
A lice - borne typhus epidemic swept westward from Russia in the early 20th century, and by World War II, German troops in trenches on the Eastern Front were falling fast to the disease.
The data, including striking videos, the researchers say, «illustrate that the Vi capsular polysaccharide can act as a «cloaking device» that makes S. Typhi practically «invisible» to neutrophils.»
Typhoid is a key example of this, with multidrug resistant strains of the bacterium Salmonella Typhi becoming common in many developing countries.
Further, typhus claimed so many millions of lives during the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that it threatened to torpedo the newly born Soviet state, leading Lenin to exclaim, «Either socialism will defeat the louse, or the louse will defeat socialism.»
The outer two circles represent the S. typhi genome chromosome, while inner circles show genes shared and not shared with E. coli, as well as dead genes.
More on Salmonella genomics A Salmonella lab at the University of British Columbia S. typhi research at the Sanger Centre The S. typhimurium project
Researchers proved its utility by successfully mapping the multi-drug resistance genes in a strain called Salmonella Typhi haplotype H58 — which has recently emerged globally.
Although infected fleas may hitch a ride on feral cats, the chance of becoming infected with flea - borne typhus via a feral cat is extremely low.
Signs and Symptoms Symptoms begin from one to two weeks after exposure and include: • High Fever • Headaches • Chills • Body Aches and Pains • Rash on chest, back, arms, and / or legs Because flea - borne typhus shares symptoms with many other diseases, a blood test is required to confirm any diagnoses.
In Texas, where outbreaks of flea - born typhus also occur, officials have found that fleas on pet dogs rather than on cats are more likely to harbor the infection.
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