Sentences with phrase «typical definition»

In what ways does the book tackle typical definitions of boys and girls, men and women?
But the benefits to be gained through moving to IP video are not just those of scalability; HD (high definition) video, could not be attained traditionally through the use of analogue cameras, and in many cases, typical definition IP video systems did not offer an adequately strong tangible advantage over their more successful, low light sensitive CCD (charged coupled device) based analogue counterparts — in order to encourage a shift in technology.
The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by Dana Zzyym, who was born with ambiguous sex characteristics, and had been attempting to travel to Mexico City for a meeting of intersex people - those born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not fit the typical definitions of male or female.
Equity Investment The backers at these websites are accredited investors and not yet «crowds» of everyday Americans, so these platforms might not fit the typical definition of crowdfunding.
The book provides a detailed account of 14 companies that have questioned the typical definitions of business success.
Tommy has been on a journey of discovery to go beyond the typical definition of success to write his own definition.
For example, a typical definition of «church» reads something like this:
For example, a typical definition of «church» in many theology books reads something like this:
(Intersex is a term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
«It's a planet by any of the typical definitions based on mass,» OSU astronomy professor Scott Gaudi, co-lead author of the study, explained «but its atmosphere is almost certainly unlike any other planet we've ever seen just because of the temperature of its day side.»
The typical definition of an eLearning course is any learning that is conducted through electronic media; typically the internet.
The State of Utah Office of Education offers a typical definition of a private school: «A school that is controlled by an individual or agency other than a governmental entity, which is usually supported primarily by other than public funds, and the operation of whose program rests with someone other than publicly elected or appointed officials.»
The typical definition of this specific type of assignment is a piece of writing, in which an author analyzes, critiques, and interprets the certain event, situation or even a work of art.
The typical definition of MACD divergence is when price and the MACD indicator are going in separate directions.
Departing further from the typical definition of cash, I also include relatively short term bank certificates of deposit (CDs) as a type of cash.
The state you live in usually determines the typical definition of criminal fraud.
A typical definition of specifically Child and Parental Alienation is: A family pattern most strikingly (but not only) found in the context of high conflict separations, where a child is shaped into totally rejecting the other parent and their tribe, even though the child previously had, and could still have, a safe and valued relationship with them.
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