Sentences with phrase «typical exercise»

In hindsight, they realized that these stretching sessions were a lot more like yoga compared to a more typical exercise routine would be.
With this study, we see what actually happens using those two very typical exercise programs under real - world conditions.
- typical exercise for IB French Paper 1); 3) looking at different ways to express polite advice - using the future tense, the imperative, the pronoun «on», etc; 4) an exercise to develop an understanding of useful connectives and applying them to a summary of the text; 5) opportunities for a whole - class discussion based on what students have read and learnt from the text.
Typical exercises include jacks, lunges, squats, push ups, mountain climbers, burpees, planks.
These will probably be run by staff members who have visited or discussed many different assessment centres with employers, so you should have a chance to work through typical exercises and (most valuable in my opinion) observe other students while getting feedback on your performance.
For instance, consider a few typical exercises people do in the gym: biceps curls, triceps press - downs and calf raises.
I have not been up to my typical exercise regime this spring.
On the contrast, leisure - time physical activity is designed to improve fitness and provide recreation and a typical exercise session lasts for one or two hours.
In English, this means that doing the typical exercises we're told to do for a better bum (squats, lunges, deadlifts etc) probably won't be very effective as other muscles will come into play due to the glutes not working efficiently.
A good strength coach or trainer will still train the legs but maybe not with their typical exercises.
If a warm up is performed at all, the typical exercise warm up routine looks something like this: Do a couple lazy arm swings, jump on the treadmill or elliptical for 15 minutes, send some tweets about how awesome you are for being at the gym... boom!
Of course, your typical exercise level also affects how many maintenance calories you need.
If you are a beginner, stick to the typical exercises and only add extra resistance to the exercises if you can do many reps correctly.
Below are the typical exercises I recommend.
The class is designed to teach you the right things to do so it's different than a typical exercise class.
Try this core - activating Pilates workout at home or after your typical exercise routine to tighten the abs and increase muscle stamina.
Developing a solid investment policy statement is not a typical exercise for most investors.
Of course, this ignores any counterarguments, and is a typical exercise in «Those who agree with me are rational, those who disagree with me aren't.»
These activities aren't currently supported by the Apple Watch for tracking, with many being more complex to track than the typical exercise routine, including dance, gymnastics, and kickboxing.
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